[NFBWV-Talk] Learn about the Canute today

David Allen dave.blindsight at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 19:57:16 UTC 2020

Hi all!

The Canute was briefly mentioned at the MAL chapter meeting yesterday, and
now I thought others here may also be interested in attending this
presentation, happening tonight at 8 pm EST. The presentation is being done
by JJ at atguys.

To attend you can do so on Zoom.

The meeting ID is 4321284897

I enjoyed myself yesterday, attending the MAL meeting, using my laptop, for
the first time. Jaws 2020 adding those scripts for Zoom sure makes a nice

It was a lot easier than fighting with IOS13, *lol*


David Allen, Director
Blind-Sight Limited
For computer training and support world-wide, equipment or braille
production please contact me through any of the following ways: 
Email: info at blind-sight.com
Telephone: 64-3-455-7694 (Home)
64-27-224-5489 (Mobile)
PO Box 9046
St Clair
Dunedin 9047

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