[NHLakesChapter] New Hampshire Chat Night

danatrahan at comcast.net danatrahan at comcast.net
Sun Aug 8 14:27:08 UTC 2021

Hi there!


Would you like to join in on a casual chat with some others happy to chat?
A group of us are zooming tonight.  This is not a NFB meeting, but just some
NH NFB ers gathering for a chat without an agenda.  Not sure what NFB is?
It's the National Federation of the Blind. Sooooooo... it will be some
friends that are blind and vision impaired gathering for a casual chat.
Come join us at 7PM!  The Zoom info is below.


Love and Prayers, 

Dana, Brady, Lydia

and even my guide dog Brody


28 Wayland Circle, Exeter, NH 03833-4144 
603-580-5096 (9am-9pm) (home/landline) 
603-365-5242 (anytime) (mobile) 
 <mailto:danatrahan at comcast.net> danatrahan at comcast.net

find me on Facebook as Dana Skreslet Trahan





From: NHLakesChapter <nhlakeschapter-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of DENNIS
O'BRIEN via NHLakesChapter
Sent: Sunday, August 8, 2021 2:25 AM
To: NHLakesChapter at nfbnet.org; Linda Vaillancourt <nnhnfbchapter at gmail.com>;
kds33healthy at gmail.com
Cc: DENNIS O'BRIEN <dpobrien7920 at msn.com>
Subject: New Hampshire Chat Night


Inviting you to a Zoom meeting. 


Topic: New Hampshire Affiliate Chat Night 

Time: Sunday, AUGUST 8, 2021, 7 PM. 


Join Zoom Meeting 

 <https://zoom.us/j/93669651975> https://zoom.us/j/93669651975


Meeting ID: 936 6965 1975 

One tap mobile 

+13017158592,,93669651975# US (Washington DC)  

+13126266799,,93669651975# US (Chicago)  

+16468769923,,93669651975# US (New York)  

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