[NHLakesChapter] For Anyone Interested in Transportation in NH: Fwd: NHTA-SCC Annual Mtg Registration

Andrew Harmon andrewjharmon at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 13:47:05 UTC 2021

Hello all
Just wanted to pass along this from the NH Transit Association in
partnership with the State Coordinating Council on Transportation.
There's no cost to join, but you need to register using the
surveymonkey link by the 6th. If you have any interest in what's going
on in NH regarding public transit, I highly recommend joining as Chris
Pappaus will (hopefully) be speaking about this topic.

Have a great week all and hope you're all staying safe while enjoying
the start of summer!


Andrew Harmon

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steven Workman <workmanconsult at comcast.net>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 17:42:44 -0400
Subject: NHTA-SCC Annual Mtg Registration
To: steve at transportnh.org



Virtual NHTA & SCC Annual Meeting

June 10, 2021


The NH Transit Association and State Coordinating Council for Community
Transportation will hold their annual combined meeting on Thursday, June 10
from 10-12pm.  This year's theme is Back to the Future: Resilience &
Transformation.  Congressman Chris Pappas will join us to discuss how the
Federal American Jobs (infrastructure) Plan and FAST Act reauthorization
could improve transportation and mobility services in N.H.  We will also
hear from distinguished guests from NHDOT, FTA Region 1 and NHDHHS.  Perhaps
most importantly, we will celebrate our resiliency during the pandemic and
highlight several initiatives that are helping to transform the future of
mobility in N.H.



Virtual Reception:  BYO latte & say hello


Welcome & Guest Speakers


Better Together: DHHS & transportation officials partner to reduce barriers
to mobility


Conversation with Rep. Chris Pappas


Celebrate Success!


Closing Remarks

End of Formal Program


NHTA Business Meeting (15-minutes)

12: 25pm

SCC Business Meeting (15-minutes)

*Agenda & Rep. Pappas' availability subject to change without notice.


There is no cost to attend, but you must register by using the link below.
Registration will remain open through June 6.  You will receive an email
with the Zoom link the week of June 7.  You are welcome to forward this
invitation to anyone you think may be interested in attending.


Please note that because of the annual meeting on June 10, there will be no
regular monthly meeting of the NHTA or SCC on June 3.

For More Information Please Contact

Steve Workman

Director, TransportNH

steve at transportnh.org


Helpful Information

* The meeting will be conducted in an open format (typical Zoom meeting
style) rather than in webinar format.  This will allow you to see and
communicate with one another but will require some effort to ensure that we
are not interrupting the presenters or disturbing other attendees.  Please
make sure that you remain muted once the webinar begins to avoid feedback,
etc.  Moderators will mute any open mics.

* To make sure you have the most


* current features for your Zoom application please run an update.  You can
do this by opening Zoom, clicking your account icon and then selecting
"check for updates" options.  Follow the prompts and you will have all the
latest features and any security upgrades.

* If you are having connection issues, we suggest you turn off your video
and just listen.  This seems to resolve most low bandwidth issues.  You also
have an option below to phone into the meeting (audio only).

* Upon arrival you will be in a waiting room.  Please be patient while we
confirm your registration and let you into the meeting.

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