[NHLakesChapter] FW: Until Saturday 6/11 at 7AM...please support us with prayers, shares and/or funds this week :-)

danatrahan at comcast.net danatrahan at comcast.net
Thu Jun 9 16:35:05 UTC 2022

Hi Chapter Members!


I thought I would share an email that I have been sending to family members and friends and acquaintances this week.  I am continuing to get online donations, so I’m not giving up yet!  Feel free to copy and paste and edit any part of it if you want to send an email to those you know.  The old saying is so very true…it never hurts to ask!


Hi “Friend’s Name”!


I hope all is going well for you 😊  Tikva and I are participating in the largest fundraiser of the year for Future in Sight.  Brody is cheering us on as a well-loved retiree-turned-pet.  This is the state of NH’s largest gathering for awareness, support, and advocacy for people who are blind or visually impaired.


Future in Sight, formerly known as the New Hampshire Association for the Blind, has had an annual 3K Walk for Sight that Brody and I have participated in for multiple years.  Things are a little different this year for my new guide Tikva and I.  It will be the 19th annual Walk for Sight and 1st annual Run for Sight 5k, and it is the Festival for the Future in Sight.  We’re excited to be a part of raising funds for an organization that has supported me and many other blind and vision impaired individuals on a mission to provide services in education, rehabilitation and social services for us.


I am a client of Future in Sight and I am a member of the NH Affiliate of an organization known as the National Federation of the Blind.  The NFB coordinates many programs, services and resources to defend the rights of blind Americans.  For this fundraiser, I am part of a team called NFB NH Equalizers. If we raise $1000 or more by Friday, there will be a 50/50 split of the donations we collect given to each of the organizations.  My goal for myself is $1000!


Please help us in any one, two, or three ways you are comfortable…keep our event in your prayers, share this email or the fundraiser page link that is on my FB profile wall Dana Skreslet Trahan with anyone that might have an interest, or donate any amount you are comfortable with by the end of the day Friday…no pressure for any choice 😉 Thank you for helping us toward our goal!


 <https://give.classy.org/Dana> https://give.classy.org/Dana

This is the link to my fundraising site.  Donations are tax deductible.  Payments can be made by PayPal, Venmo, credit card, or transfer from your bank using Plaid online.  If you prefer to pay by check or money order, pop it in the mail ASAP so I receive it by June 10 and I will be able to turn it in by the deadline for our team.  Checks and Money Orders should be made payable to Future in Sight.  Please note “NFB NH Equalizers” in the memo line, and my address is below.


Here are links to the two organizations if you’re curious to learn more…


Future in Sight  <https://futureinsight.org/> https://futureinsight.org/

National Federation of the Blind  <https://nfb.org/> https://nfb.org/


All the best,


Dana Trahan

28 Wayland Cir., Exeter NH  03833-4144 

603-580-5096 (9am-9pm) (Dana’s home/landline) 
603-365-5242 (anytime) (Dana’s mobile) 
 <mailto:danatrahan at comcast.net> danatrahan at comcast.net


Find me on FB as Dana Skreslet Trahan


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