[NHLakesChapter] movies mentioned by Alan on last nights call

jomar2000 at comcast.net jomar2000 at comcast.net
Thu Jun 23 21:19:41 UTC 2022

Hi all,

During the call last night Alan mentioned a couple of movies that he has
shown on one of the movie nights that we hold at our church during the

These two movies both focus around persons with disabilities and the
outcomes and impact they had on the lives of everyone they came into contact
with. Very inspirational and stirring videos and well worth the watch.

The first one was done by a good friend of Alan's, who is the father of a
child that was born with significant disabilities. Although Sanuel is not
blind, his story is a powerful one of how the love and support of his family
and friends who helped him to overcome the struggles that he faced and
assured his inclusion into our world, 



the second one is of the very beloved principal Mr. Connolly of Concor High
school that developed ALS and again is a very powerful story of the impact
we as people with disabilities can have on everyone around us.



Please feel free to pass the links along to anyone that may be interested.

Would love to hear your feedback on these if you wish to share.




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