[NHLakesChapter] The New England Blindness Empowerment and Employment Conference--November 7-8, 2022--Registration and Conference Information

Frye, Daniel Daniel.B.Frye at doe.nh.gov
Sat Oct 15 20:55:22 UTC 2022

Members of the New Hampshire Affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind:

It was a delight to speak to the Lakes and Keene Chapters of our affiliate this morning, Saturday, October 15, 2022, to discuss the New England Blindness Empowerment and Employment Conference, scheduled to occur on Monday-Tuesday, November 7-8, 2022, at the Holiday Inn in Concord, New Hampshire. Unlike the newly inaugurated programs for the Older Blind and students/youth sponsored by Services for the Blind and Vision Impaired (SBVI), Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, New Hampshire Department of Education, this two-day professional conference is dedicated to providing training, resources, and motivation to potentially eligible and eligible recipients of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR services, calculated to supporting qualified individuals to identify and obtain integrated, competitive employment, with the partnership and support of SBVI. While we have a New Hampshire-specific emphasis, SBVI felt that the needs of the blind community in New England were sufficiently similar that we'd make a point of inviting the blind community and VR professionals from across New England. The first seventy-five potentially eligible or eligible blind or vision impaired residents of New Hampshire, who are looking for employment, or training to prepare for employment, will be awarded full scholarships to the Conference, including hotel accommodations, meals, limited transportation assistance, and conference materials; those after the first seventy-five from New Hampshire, or participants from our five neighboring States, will be asked to pay a nominal registration fee of only $99.00 for all meals (save Tuesday-morning breakfast) and Conference materials and enjoy an especially negotiated hotel rate of $139.00 per night, making this professional Conference as modest in price as possible.

We'll be featuring experts on blindness and employment from National, State, and Local leaders. Two working luncheons and a formal banquet will be the highlights of the event. National President of the National Federation of the Blind, Mark Riccobono, will be the featured orator at the evening banquet.

In addition to these components, there will be general plenary sessions and two break-out tracks focusing on Employment and Entrepreneurial Interests. Finally, we will have an Exhibit Hall operating simultaneously to the conference, when other scheduled activities are not occurring.

In order to participate, please review the attached two forms: the Preliminary Conference Agenda (absent guest speakers' names, until all are confirmed) and our Registration/Flyer. The Registration/Flyer has a QR Code or simple link that will take you to the Conference registration page. Complete the simple form, and touch submit, and a representative of our contracted Events Planning/Logistical Team will be in touch to gather any additionally needed information, and to advise if you have been awarded a New Hampshire Conference scholarship or will be invited to pay the nominal Registration fee and hotel costs.

We look forward to joining you for this first-of-a-kind New England Blindness Empowerment and Employment Conference on November 7-8, 2022; if you have additional questions, please reach out to the contact information found on our Registration/Flyer.

Thank you.

With Kind Regards,

Daniel B Frye, JD.
Services for the Blind and Vision Impaired
New Hampshire Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
Division of Workforce Innovation
New Hampshire Department of Education
21 S. Fruit Street, Suite 20
Concord, NH 03301
603-271-3814 (Office)
603-931-2376 (Mobile)
603-271-3816 (Fax)
Daniel.B.Frye at doe.nh.gov<mailto:Daniel.B.Frye at doe.nh.gov>

NHVR Leadership Team Vision & Values

We are a unified team that promotes a culture of empowerment and support for staff, individually and collectively, to provide the highest quality counseling and vocational rehabilitation services, resulting in rewarding employment, independence and self-fulfillment.

In support of this vision we value:
-Building staff confidence
-Open communication
-Embracing the unique skills and ideas of staff
-Consistency and Follow-Through

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