[NHLakesChapter] FW: [dogguide] invitation to NFB convention in memory of Linda Vaillancourt'
jomar2000 at comcast.net
jomar2000 at comcast.net
Sat Sep 10 16:24:29 UTC 2022
Hi Deanna,
I thought I'd send this along to you so that you would see what was sent to
the dog guide list as well as, for the members of the local chapters that do
not receive emails from our list.
I figure it couldn't hurt to shoot out another reminder!
Talk soon.
From: dogguide at groups.io <dogguide at groups.io> On Behalf Of Marie
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2022 12:08 PM
To: dogguide at groups.io
Subject: [dogguide] invitation to NFB convention in memory of Linda
Good afternoon folks,
On Saturday the 24th of September, the NH affiliate of the NFB will be
holding their state convention. This year the President of the affiliate
Deanna O'Brien will be dedicating the convention in memory of Linda
Vaillancourt, one of our beloved dog guide users and a personal loving
friend to many of us that have had the good fortune to know her. Linda's
devotion to the affiliate and many years as the President of the North
Country chapter will be mentioned and some of her favorite music will be
played throughout the day.
We'd love to have you join us to celebrate her life and to honor her very
special involvement in the NFB organization.
If you wish to join in, you must register to receive the link to the meeting
and be eligible for some great door prizes that will also be given! To do
so, send your name, phone number and email address to auntiec31 at gmail.com
<mailto:auntiec31 at gmail.com>
An agenda will be sent out soon by Deanna, so that you can see or hear
(smiles), who will be presenting that day.
Speaking of, I am pleased to let you know that Alan MacRae, the former
police officer that did a presentation for us a while back, will be joining
us once more to do a repeat of his talk on the importance of safety as well
as discuss devices, in and out, of our homes.
It will be a very informative day! Please don't miss celebrating Linda's
life with us and catching all the shared info that will be offered.
I will also send out a reminder note the day before the convention in case
this one gets lost in your "in box!"
Don't forget to register!
Thanks so much and hope you all have a great weekend.
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