[NHLakesChapter] Will you be attending the NFB State Convention?
jean.shiner at comcast.net
jean.shiner at comcast.net
Thu Aug 17 01:13:53 UTC 2023
Hi Deanna,
I will be there for the whole day including lunch. Looking forward to it.
All The Best,
Jean Shiner
From: NHLakesChapter <nhlakeschapter-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Deanna
O'Brien via NHLakesChapter
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 7:17 PM
To: nhlakeschapter at nfbnet.org; dfrye at nfb.org
Cc: Deanna O'Brien <djobrien2004 at msn.com>
Subject: [NHLakesChapter] Will you be attending the NFB State Convention?
We are trying to get a count on attendees to purchase enough food for lunch.
Please respond to this email and tell us if you and any guests or drivers
will be attending and staying for lunch.
Please pass along to anyone who doesn't have internet access.
You call also call or text.
Thank you,
Deanna O'Brien, President
NFB of New Hampshire
480-292-5927 (mobile)
603-864-8847 (home)
djobrien2004 at msn.com <mailto:djobrien2004 at msn.com>
Sent from Outlook <http://aka.ms/weboutlook>
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