[NHLakesChapter] Info gathering

randi62 randi62 at comcast.net
Tue Dec 26 19:35:33 UTC 2023

Happy Tuesday everyone!I hope you all had peaceful and blessed celebration times during this holiday weekend whether you spent them with families, spent them alone, or with them with a significant other or small family gathering. I have received some really great information about transportation options from various parts of the state. I am still looking for information from the Nashua, Concord, and Manchester areas.If you live in these areas and you know of any bus, local volunteer, taxi services Etc, please email me at my personal email with the names and telephone numbers of these companies so that we can add them to the list that is going to go on the updated website. The work is already underway so I will need that information fairly quickly!My personal email is randi62 at comcast.net.  Thank you very much! Randi Wilson Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
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