[NHLakesChapter] FW: January through March youth and adults activities-Sign Up Today and spread the word

danatrahan at comcast.net danatrahan at comcast.net
Tue Jan 3 00:45:00 UTC 2023

Helping to spread the word.  Check out Stephanie’s email below.


All the best,


Dana Trahan


603-580-5096 (9am-9pm) (Dana’s home/landline) 
603-365-5242 (anytime) (Dana’s mobile) 
danatrahan at comcast.net <mailto:danatrahan at comcast.net> 


From: Stephanie Hurd <shurd at futureinsight.org> 
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2022 11:38 AM
To: Stephanie Hurd <shurd at futureinsight.org>
Subject: January through March youth and adults activities-Sign Up Today and spread the word


Hi and happy New Year!


2023 is here and with that Future In Sight has a great list of youth and adult activities for you!

There are all kinds of options from crafts to games to tech, fitness cooking and more!  Plus we have some new selections including meditation and  interviews with blind professionals in different fields to share their stories and answer questions.  You will also see there are day and evening options, as well as some weekend choices to fit all types of schedules!  99% are all on Zoom with a couple of in person options.  We are here to celebrate and honor what works for you!


Attached to this email is the complete schedule from January through March with dates, times, in person or on Zoom, youth adults or both, title and description.  

*All you have to do is sign up!  It’s easy.

You can either go to:

www.futureinsight.org <http://www.futureinsight.org> 

and click on the events calendar to register.  I’m working on recorded tutorials to walk you through the online sign ups.  

I’ve completed a tutorial recording on how to sign up using a smart phone and respective smart phone screen reader, which is here:


 As I complete more recordings on signing up using a computer and etc., I’ll send those out to you.


to make it even easier, you can call us at 

603-224-4039 and then press 0.  Someone at our front desk will be glad to go over the schedule of happenings and sign you up right over the phone. 

  *Sign up and don’t forget to share with others, as anyone who is blind or visually impaired from anywhere is welcome to take part. 

Should you see anything on this attached schedule that is not yet listed on the sign ups, that just means it is not yet posted, but it will be added soon.  Everything on this attached list will end up on our website, so keep checking back for new options.  

**Remember sign up, sign up, sign up, and then mark your calendar, so you won’t forget to join in the fun!  


Happy New Year!




Stephanie Hurd 

Assistive Technology/Activities Specialist

Future In Sight

shurd at futureinsight.org <mailto:shurd at futureinsight.org> 



Check out our events page for remote technology workshops, online activities and crafts, open to people who are blind and visually impaired around the globe!


Or call us at 603-224-4039 and press 0 to speak to someone at our front desk, who can sign you up right over the phone.






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