[NHLakesChapter] Lakes Chapter Picnic List - Update

Deanna O'Brien djobrien2004 at msn.com
Mon Jul 24 23:36:01 UTC 2023

This is what we have listed so far.

Please send me any corrections and/or additions

  1.  Tony, Irene – Watermelon, grill
  2.  Andrew – Cold Salsa Soup, drinks
  3.  Sheryl Dutton, Kathy - Macaroni Salad, drinks, table, coleslaw, salad
  4.  Joanne Jordan - Carrot Salad
  5.  Randy Pierce - Potato Salad
  6.  Melissa Abbott - green salad
  7.  Deb Moore - Low calorie vegetable salad and dressing, small table, cooler and ice
  8.  Avah Orellana - Pasta Salad
  9.  Dan Levesque - dessert/cookies
  10. Nancy Downing – cookies/brownies
  11. MaryAnne Lustgraaf - cookies
  12. Lucille Leroux - blueberry bread
  13. Brian Boyle - Lemon Squares
  14. Deanna, Dennis – sodas, ice, table, chips, condiments (ketchup, mustard, relish, mayo), cheese for burgers, cool chest, Watergate salad, bowls
  15. David, Carl, Suzie – chip pack
  16. Kelly – water, coke, diet soda, lemonade, cooler trays, table, cooler, spatulas, 10 lb. ice
  17. Randi Wilson – cooler w/ice, water, table
  18. Jean Shiner – Fruit Salad
  19. North Country – Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onion
a. Bring Your Own Chairs!
b. Suggest packing rain ponchos in case of shower.
c. Bring disposable serving utensils for salads, desserts, etc.
d. Hot Dogs, Hamburgers to be provided by Chapter. Servingware also.
e. If you wish to get in the lake, bring suits and towels.
f. Dennis and Deanna will also be bringing disposable tablecloths, collapsible garbage pails, garbage bags, paper towels.
g. Recommend sunscreen and insect repellant.

Deanna O'Brien
djobrien2004 at msn.com<mailto:djobrien2004 at msn.com>

Sent from Outlook<http://aka.ms/weboutlook>
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