[NHLakesChapter] Sharing my gratitude to all of you in an additional format

Randy Pierce randy54pierce at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 13:26:43 UTC 2023

Our team at Future In Sight is so amazingly grateful for what all of you did to support awareness and fundraising at the walk for sight. Every member of the team should be receiving regular mail, including a Braille version of this letter and some other comments. I wanted to ensure you all Received my gratitude in yet another format, this mailing list. I have been watching with both pride and appreciation through the entire process. Here is a paste of the letter I have sent to each member of the team. 

To my fellow Federationists!
I am so appreciative and proud of the NFB NH Affiliate for the hard work and success in supporting our Walk for Sight this year. Honestly, I was sad to not be on your roster as I value my being a member with you. Of course, as part of the Future In Sight Dream Team, we had such a fun competition for “top dog” as Swirl might call it. I may have barely sneaked past Fred as an individual but your team soundly rose above us, highlighting the value of a motivated team. We are all  ultimately working together towards a common vision. I know all of you understand how important it is to support each other in raising awareness as powerfully as possible. Additionally we need the essential fund raising to  ensure Future In Sight may provide the training, tools and services to all the people in NH who experience blindness and visual impairment. Together we are building a better future in sight for everyone!
There is much work ahead for all of us and I look forward to next year’s opportunity. I hope the competition will be fierce and fun once again with all of us gathering live to celebrate on May 18, 2024 at our Walk for Sight. Again, congratulations and thank you all.
Randy Pierce
President & CEO of Future In Sight
NFB Member of the NH Affiliate

Be well,

Randy Pierce

On May 26, 2023, at 6:38 PM, dee moore via NHLakesChapter <nhlakeschapter at nfbnet.org> wrote:

Ta-Da!!! Our 2nd matching funds donation of $3,400  has been credited to our team!!
This brings our total (drum rolls, please…) to a whopping $11,239. (launch the fireworks!)
Raytheon Technologies donated the matching funds.  This new  total also includes a $50 online donation made just  after the walk. 

I say it again, I AM SO PROUD of ALL you team members!!! 


Thank you to all the 
many generous donors to our team effort. Many, many thanks to our super team members for all the hard work!

We have THREE fundraisers in the final  WalkTop 10! Congratulations to our very own Co-Captain Fred Fournier, now #2, raising $3,438!!
New #7 is MaryAnne Lustgraaf raising $1,481 !
And to our fabulous duo Dana & Tikva, at #10 raising $1,331 !  Super job everyone! Woof! Woof!

Team Link is:


Remember, NFB of NH will get HALF of that $11,239 !  That should be $5,619.50 you all raised  for our NFB NH Affiliate. 

So folks, enjoy this Memorial Day weekend!  We have much to celebrate! While we enjoy this great weather, the BBQs, cookouts, family & friend get togethers, parades, & our own EQUALIZERS Team efforts, take a few moments to reflect & remember those service members who died to preserve our nation, & celebrate them. Be safe. Enjoy. 

Peace, Blessings & Many, Many  Thanks,
Captains Deb & Fred

Sent from my iPhone

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