[NHLakesChapter] clarification of last note

jomar2000 at comcast.net jomar2000 at comcast.net
Mon Jun 12 18:19:27 UTC 2023

Good afternoon all combined chapter members,

In a recent email exchange with Jody it made me realize that I wanted to hit on a couple of points that I should have been more careful to clarify in my last note to the entire group so, here are a few of the comments that I replied to her with.


* I know it is difficult for all of us to get to places and I am really sorry that it has to be this way. We felt that it is so immensely important now to get badck to an in person convention for many reasons and the time and location has been secured already.

There is no wifi out there and I think that it would be way too horrible of a task for someone to try to babysit  a device all day long trying to keep a connection going thru the xfinity hot spot as it is one that would also be sketchy at best.

Seeing as it is only once a year, I was seriously hoping that you could maybe ask your daughter or someone from FiS or the Lions to get you there and back.

I don’t mean for this to sound insulting or be the Poly Pissant of the group but we all are in the same boat as far as searching out transportation and one way or the other, if we are truly dedicated to our duties on the Board especially, then 

I firmly believe if we take on these responsibilities and commitments to any org, than it is up to us to make damn sure that we can fulfill our obligations or, take a step back from the Board.

On a side note, I believe we have over 50 already willing to attend the picnic in July so, if that is the case, then I expect to hear that we have at least half that number willing to find their way to the convention.

Please try to do what you can to attend. It is only as a whole group that we make good things happen.


I look fwd to any other suggestions or comments you have to offer.

* end of email to Jody


Please anyone, jot me out a note if you want to chat more about this. I am always here and willing to talk things through with you all on any questions or comments you may have.






From: MonadnockChapter <monadnockchapter-bounces at nfbnet.org <mailto:monadnockchapter-bounces at nfbnet.org> > On Behalf Of Jody ianuzzi via MonadnockChapter
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 11:37 AM
To: NFB of New Hampshire Monadnock Chapter List <monadnockchapter at nfbnet.org <mailto:monadnockchapter at nfbnet.org> >
Cc: Jody ianuzzi <thunderwalker321 at gmail.com <mailto:thunderwalker321 at gmail.com> >
Subject: Re: [MonadnockChapter] notification regarding state affiliate convention


This is very disappointing. Someone might be able to set up a hotspot on their phone. Perhaps we should find a different location.



To Boldly Go  🖖🏻 


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