[NHLakesChapter] 2024 NFB of NH State Convention status

Fred Fournier fred.fournier.jr at gmail.com
Wed Aug 7 13:59:53 UTC 2024

Hello all of you NFB of NH Members,

  I wanted to remind everyone that the State Convention for the NFB of NH
is coming up on September 14 and to give you an update on who has already
registered. So far, we have 29 people that have registered.

People registered so far:
Fred Fournier -  Crispy Chicken Wrap
Deb Moore - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Andrew Harmon - Italian Sub
Melissa Abbott - Italian Sub
Melissa Abbott (Candi) - Turkey w/Brie Sandwich
Suzie Hoight - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Sheryl Dutton - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Carl Provencher - Italian Sub
Brian Boyle - Turkey w/Brie Sandwich
Dennis O'Brien - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Deanna O'Brien - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Kelley Snyder - Turkey w/Brie Sandwich
Jackie Gagne - Crispy Chicken Warp
Paul Favreau - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Louise Favreau - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Bernie Martel - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Richard Chabot - Turkey w/Brie Sandwich
Dana Trahan - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Steve Poirier - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Mary Poirier - Turkey w/Brie Sandwich
Jean Shiner - Italian Sub
Danielle McCann (NFB Rep) - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Brian McCann - Turkey w/Brie Sandwich
Nancy Downing - Turkey w/Brie Sandwich
Tony Bonanno - Italian Sub
Irene Bonanno - Italian Sub
Dan Frye - Italian Sub
Randy Pierce - Crispy Chicken Wrap
Joanne Jordan - Turkey w/Brie Sandwich

If you want to register online, you can do that using the direct  link


If you have a Paypal account, you will be able to pay online. If you do not
have a Paypal account, you can either send a check to me or pay when you
arrive at the convention. We prefer that you pay ahead of time so that we
won't be spending too much time at the registration desk checking people in
and taking money.

If you are sending a check, please note your lunch choice on the memo line.

If you do not see your name on this list and think that it should be there,
please contact me so that we can determine what might have gone wrong.

Thank you and have a great day!!

-- Fred

Fred Fournier
8 Aspen Way
Exeter, NH 03833
Phone: 603-382-5730
email: fred.fournier.jr at gmail.com
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