[NHLakesChapter] FW: Hampton Beach State Park Accessibility Feasibility Study
danatrahan at comcast.net
danatrahan at comcast.net
Fri Jun 7 02:53:56 UTC 2024
Hello Everyone,
Jean asked for this to be shared on our list. Here is a link to the survey,
and more information can be found if you scroll on down.
From: jean.shiner at comcast.net <jean.shiner at comcast.net>
Sent: Thursday, June 6, 2024 11:51 AM
To: danatrahan at comcast.net
Subject: FW: Hampton Beach State Park Accessibility Feasibility Study
Can you share this with the NFB list? Thanks.
From: Eagleson, Chase <Chase.G.Eagleson at ddc.nh.gov
<mailto:Chase.G.Eagleson at ddc.nh.gov> >
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2024 9:06 AM
To: Jean Shiner (CBVIV) <jean.shiner at comcast.net
<mailto:jean.shiner at comcast.net> >; Randy Pierce <rpierce at futureinsight.org
<mailto:rpierce at futureinsight.org> >; Ryan Donnelly <rdonnelly at gsil.org
<mailto:rdonnelly at gsil.org> >; Karen Rosenberg (DRC) <karenr at drcnh.org
<mailto:karenr at drcnh.org> >; Ziegra, James <jamesz at drcnh.org
<mailto:jamesz at drcnh.org> >; danatrahan at comcast.net
<mailto:danatrahan at comcast.net> ; Conger, Abigail
<abigail.p.conger at dhhs.nh.gov <mailto:abigail.p.conger at dhhs.nh.gov> >;
Alexis Wayland <alexis.wayland at crotchedmountain.org
<mailto:alexis.wayland at crotchedmountain.org> >; Alyssa Antman
<Alyssa.Antman2 at gmail.com <mailto:Alyssa.Antman2 at gmail.com> >; Arielle Van
De Water <arielle.van.de.water at gmail.com
<mailto:arielle.van.de.water at gmail.com> >; DeBonee, Ashley
<ashley.n.debonee at doe.nh.gov <mailto:ashley.n.debonee at doe.nh.gov> >; Caitlyn
Fulton <caitlynfulton at gmail.com <mailto:caitlynfulton at gmail.com> >;
Pelletier, Danielle <danielle.pelletier at doe.nh.gov
<mailto:danielle.pelletier at doe.nh.gov> >; Denis Greenwood
<DenisGreenwood at iCloud.com <mailto:DenisGreenwood at iCloud.com> >; Frank
Vinciguerra <agnidaju at gmail.com <mailto:agnidaju at gmail.com> >;
JCPiet61 at gmail.com <mailto:JCPiet61 at gmail.com> ; Crouch, Jean
<jean.crouch at dhhs.nh.gov <mailto:jean.crouch at dhhs.nh.gov> >; Jennifer Pineo
<jsp at nhfv.org <mailto:jsp at nhfv.org> >; Josh M <jam03261 at yahoo.com
<mailto:jam03261 at yahoo.com> >; Kathy Bates <wngsandwheels at comcast.net
<mailto:wngsandwheels at comcast.net> >; Kelly Erhart <Kehrhart65 at gmail.com
<mailto:Kehrhart65 at gmail.com> >; Zeoli, Meryle <meryle.s.zeoli at doe.nh.gov
<mailto:meryle.s.zeoli at doe.nh.gov> >; Michele Peterson
<thepetersonhouse at gmail.com <mailto:thepetersonhouse at gmail.com> >; Nicole
Mello <nicole.marie.mello at gmail.com <mailto:nicole.marie.mello at gmail.com> >;
Pat Vincent-Piet <ablewriter at outlook.com <mailto:ablewriter at outlook.com> >;
Sarah Sadowski <sarah.sadowski at unh.edu <mailto:sarah.sadowski at unh.edu> >;
Stephanie Patrick <stephaniep at drcnh.org <mailto:stephaniep at drcnh.org> >;
Suzanne Austin <saustin at clmnh.org <mailto:saustin at clmnh.org> >; Tammy Mills
<Tammyleemills at outlook.com <mailto:Tammyleemills at outlook.com> >; Tim Houle
<thoule569 at gmail.com <mailto:thoule569 at gmail.com> >
Cc: Blais, Vanessa <Vanessa.A.Blais at ddc.nh.gov
<mailto:Vanessa.A.Blais at ddc.nh.gov> >; Rodriguez-Legendre, Isadora
<Isadora.Rodriguez-Legendre at ddc.nh.gov
<mailto:Isadora.Rodriguez-Legendre at ddc.nh.gov> >; Stiles, Pamela
<Pamela.A.Stiles at ddc.nh.gov <mailto:Pamela.A.Stiles at ddc.nh.gov> >; Page,
Elizabeth <Elizabeth.A.Page at ddc.nh.gov <mailto:Elizabeth.A.Page at ddc.nh.gov>
Subject: Hampton Beach State Park Accessibility Feasibility Study
Hello all,
I wanted to bring your attention to a feasibility study being conducted in
the town of Hampton by the NH State Parks Department. The aim is to find
ways to make Hampton Beach State Park more comfortable for all visitors,
regardless of differences in ability. The study is looking at facilities,
programs and amenities at Hampton Beach State Park.
The Parks Department is looking for individuals who do, could, or plan to
visit one of the State Parks in Hampton to answer the below survey so that
they can get a better understanding of the wants and needs of the Granite
State disability community. Please share this message, the study, and the
survey link with your networks so that the feasibility survey can be
successful and lead to a more accessible and inclusive state parks system.
To learn more about the project, you can follow the link below:
If you have any questions about the survey or the study, please feel free to
reach out to Johanna Lyons, NH State Park Planning and Development
Specialist, at the email below:
Johanna.Lyons at dncr.nh.gov <mailto:Johanna.Lyons at dncr.nh.gov>
Chase Eagleson, MCDPP
Policy & Planning Coordinator
NH Council on Developmental Disabilities
2 ½ Beacon St., Suite 10
Concord, NH 03301
<mailto:Chase.G.Eagleson at ddc.nh.gov> Chase.G.Eagleson at ddc.nh.gov
(603) 271-3236
atter> What is Plain Language and Why Does It Matter? (accessibility.com)
The NH Council on Developmental Disabilities is dedicated to the pursuit of
and justice, authentic community inclusion, cultural competency, and
for all New Hampshire residents with developmental disabilities.
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