[NHLakesChapter] State Convention Registration

Fred Fournier fred.fournier.jr at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 13:11:40 UTC 2024

Good Morning all of you Lakes Region NFBers!!!

  At the moment, our website allows folks to register and make lunch
selections for the State Convention at the Holiday Inn in Concord on Sept
14th. You can also pay online for the event if you have a Paypal account.
  We have addressed a few issues that came up during the setup. There is
still one issue remaining that Baltimore needs to fix for us. That problem
is that there is no confirmation email that gets sent. Baltimore will be
addressing that after the National Convention in early July.
  The link to register for our State Convention is here:

  Find the "Learn more" button under the 2024 State Convention Event and
click on that. At the bottom of that page, click on the "Register Now"
  Fill in the Participant information. Select the "Registration Fee" radio
button and select your lunch choice. When you are finished with that page,
click the "Review" button. Review the information that you entered and
click the "Register" button.
  You will get a page that indicates an error. This is the email issue that
I referred to earlier. You can ignore this. It is being worked by the folks
in Baltimore. If you happen to have any other questions or problems, you
can contact me at: fred.fournier.jr at gmail.com or 603-382-5730.

Thank you and have a great day!!

-- Fred
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