[NHLakesChapter] Link to Transportation Survey I mentioned

andrewjharmon at gmail.com andrewjharmon at gmail.com
Sat Mar 16 19:42:58 UTC 2024

Hello all

As I mentioned on the call earlier today (3/16), the planning commission for
Lakes Region is trying to collect info to help plan transportation resources
in the area. If you live in the Lakes Region, please consider filling out
the following survey before April 1st:


 <https://arcg.is/0CeiWG> https://arcg.is/0CeiWG


I've already taken it, so I can say it's 99% accessible and can be completed
with a screen reader. If you have any questions, you can give me a call at
603-992-4053 and I can do my best to answer them. Alternatively you can call
Mid-state Transit at 603-225-1989 and ask to speak to Cindy Yanski. If she's
not available, you can also ask them for the number to the Lakes Region
Planning Commission who are holding the survey.




Andrew Harmon

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