[Nj-diabetes-division] Diabetes Division October 4th 8 PM Meeting

Vincent Chaney Jr. vgc732 at optonline.net
Wed Oct 3 02:56:59 UTC 2012

To The NFBNJ Diabetes Division and Those with Family or Friends with
Diabetes who are visually impaired:


The NFBNJ Diabetes Division will hold its next meeting Thursday, October 4,
2012 at 8 PM EDT. Please note for this month the change from our third
Thursday of the month due to conflicts in availability. The November meeting
will be scheduled during the NFBNJ State Convention.


The agenda will include: 

   Convention plans for diet and medicines

    NFBNJ 2012 Diabetes Division Convention preparations

    Question and discussion time


Please also reply to this message that you will or will not be able to
attend our Thursday 8 PM meeting...


Conference Dial-in: 1-218-339-4600

Conference Code: 462721#


We hope you will be able to join our next NFBNJ Diabetes Division dial-in


Please feel free to share the information of our division and our monthly
meetings. Anyone with a visual impairment and diabetic, a family member or
friend of a diabetic whom is visually impaired is welcome to participate and
hopefully will join.



Vincent G Chaney Jr


President, NFBNJ New Jersey Association of Guide Dog Users

President, NFBNJ Diabetes Division

Vice President, NFBNJ Technology Division

Webmaster: nfbnj.org http://www.nfbnj.org <http://www.nfbnj.org/> 


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