[NJ-Diabetes-Division] Diabetic committee conference call February 7

Ed Godfrey edgodfrey1957 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 21:40:59 UTC 2019

Greetings Diabetic list members and guests. .  

We will be conducting our first diabetic committee meeting conference call
of the 2019 year on Thursday, February 7.  At 8:00 P. M.  The phone number
to call is 605 468 8005, and code is 460994.  This meeting is open to all
diabetics, family friends and guests.  If you know of anyone who may be
interested in joining our conference call, please let them know. 

The following issues will be discussed.

1.        Welcome 

2.       What is the difference between a Division and a committee and what
are the requirements for joining our committee.

3.       Discussion of upcoming topics for future meetings. Some suggestions
included Various meters, Wound care, Nutrition and the dexcom    system.  I
would like to know what topics that you would like to talk about for future
meetings.  I would also like to schedule some speakers.

4.       Membership.  It is our future goal to become a division again.
However, we need to get more members in our committee.

5.       Joining the listserv.  What is the listserv and how do you

6.        Around the phones

7.        Adjournment.

Hope to see everyone on Thursday, February 7.

Submitted by Ed Godfrey

chairman of the Diabetic committee.




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