[Njabs-talk] brief introduction

spo2105 at columbia.edu spo2105 at columbia.edu
Wed Nov 12 17:53:16 UTC 2008


I just subscribed to the mailing list and thought that I should  
briefly introduce myself. I am a first-year undergraduate at Columbia  
University's School of Engineering and Applied Science. I am also one  
of the latest recipients of a state scholarship from our NJ chapter of  
the NFB. As many of you may know, this involved attending the  
convention last weekend. I greatly enjoyed the event. Though bored at  
times, I loved learning about the progress of the organization and how  
we are changing what it means to be blind. Some of the presentations  
made me think that many problems and misconceptions can be solved with  
different ways of reasoning and challenging, (if that's not the  
meaning of the square watermelon metaphor, could someone please  
explain it to me?). The greatest thing the convention confirmed for me  
was that I should have gotten involved with NJABS when I first heard  
of it at the convention about two years ago. I hope to remain updated  
on information concerning this division and blind students in general.

Thank You.

Sean O'Keefe
spo2105 at columbia.edu

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