[Njagdu] NJAGDU Division Minutes for August 2013

Vincent Chaney Jr. vgc732 at optonline.net
Sat Aug 17 18:02:31 UTC 2013

NJAGDU Division meeting Minutes

August 12, 2013


The agenda will cover:

    1. NFB National Convention 

       A. Reports by Alice and Lydia on NAGDU Meetings at Convention

    2. Follow-up information and Status of "Dusty's Law"

       A. A2728 http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2012/Bills/A3000/2728_I1.HTM

       B. A4105 http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2012/Bills/A4500/4105_I1.HTM 

       C. S1907 http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2012/Bills/S2000/1907_I1.HTM

       D. Resource reminder - NJ Legislature Mobile Website

          D-1.Bill information, schedules 

    3. Questions and Discussion time


Call to order:

Meeting of NJAGDU was called to order by President Vincent Chaney Monday.
August 12, 2013 at 8:01 PM

Roll Call:

Vincent Chaney

Michelle Chaney

Lydia Keller

Angela Perone

Trish Ebel

Les Cameron

Alice Eaddy

Kathy Rawa

Joe Ruffalo


Treasurers Report: We have a balance of $235. We are working to open our own
checking account. It had been deemed in 2009 that due to its small balance
it was not feasible to do so without bank fees eating it up.


NAGDU Convention reports: From Lydia and Alice

Monday, July 1

Mark Jones, Manager, Domestic Services for Guests with Disabilities, Disney
Parks and Resorts, discussed Disney Animal Kingdom and how they prepared
animals for exposure to guides, Steve Olson oversees Association of Zoos &
Aquariums, also speaker on SeaWorld/Busch Gardens. In the 50 states, only 30
zoos are certified for people with service dogs. Ask upon your arrival what
they have in place. NAGDU elections were postponed until Wed.

Wednesday, July 3rd

Roll call was taken, 27th Anniversary of NAGDU was announced. Treasurers'
report and previous minutes were read. Michael Hingson spoke in support of
resolution, GDB resolution was accepted. Guide Dog Satisfaction Survey was
addressed: schools present were Seeing Eye, Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation,
and Leader Dogs for the Blind and GDB.

In this regard a lot of discussion about GDB school hotline being automated
and returned calls to consumers was not taking place. Mike had a list of
folks who registered complaints through NAGDU in this matter. Question of
who owns the dog? While most schools deferred ownership to the handler
several schools maintained that they owned the dog for the first 2 years in
exchange for medical coverage. Fidelco had a problem several years ago over
a dog removal that left the handler distressed and traumatized the dog as
such events create insecurity by constant changes.

This portion of the meeting went back and forth about positive and negatives
of the policy the GDB. Resolution 2013-24 passed 27 to 22 in general
session. ACB passed a similar resolution at their Convention as well. Look
for complete list of resolutions on NFB.org website and in the Aug/Sept
Braille Monitor.


Follow up on Dusty's Law

Lisa Yakomin retired May 3rd; she worked with us as an advocate and advisor.
May 6th Assemblyman Charles Mainor, Law and Public Safety, Chair
reintroduced  Bill A.4105 and now hopefully we will get more support due to
his position and influence now with "Dusty's Law". We have gained 2 new
sponsors. It is expected that after elections are complete session 215 will
become 216 and hopefully they will combine the two assembly bills of A2728
and A4105 along with the Senate S1907 as they are virtually identical.
Vincent and Joe spoke that we may still have a chance as the Senate had
anonymously passed Dusty's Law by the committee 6-0 and full Senate 38-0.
Ginger Kutsch had told Vincent we unfortunately could be starting from
scratch with getting the bill support. Either way Senator Bucco is willing
to reintroduce Dusty's Law if we have to go that route. Dusty's Law already
has Senate recognition and approval. Our last hope is the beginning of Nov.
through the middle of January 2014 prior to when the new 216 Legislative
Session begins to get it in under the Assembly Bill. Joe said it should pass
again it's the Assembly that's the hold up, but we are not asking for money
just for the law to be changed. Bills are only as good as they are enforced.


The first Assistance Animal Recognition Day is August 14, 2013 but under the
Assembly there is to be a Service Dog Week. Vincent will follow up to
determine whether it was accepted as a week or a month.

There was some discussion about service dog handlers failing to control
their animals. Trish stated that under the new law therapy and support dogs
are not allowed in public. Trish will send this information to Kathy and the
NJAGDU list serve, as she has expertise in ADA definitions.

Kathy identified a situation that arose at the birth of grandchild where she
had to be gowned and endure 5 minute surgical scrub while others entering
the same unit were not as rigorously attended to; also Dorito was left
unattended with no one watching her as she was originally told.

Joe Ruffalo said that Dusty's Law and issues about fake service animals are
creating major problems for legitimate handlers by setting bad impressions.
Perhaps we should ask our respective schools and NAGDU how they are
addressing this issue. According to Vincent and Trish, as to the ADA the dog
is supposed to be trained to perform a particular function for the person
with the disability. Comfort and therapy dogs can be on public modes of
transportation. Guide Dogs in training are required to produce
documentation. A dog in training is requesting access to a public
establishment but does not have the Civil Rights to enter where a trained
Guide Dog handler and his/her Guide Dog are able. Therapy dogs cannot walk
in our dogs paw prints. These "Fake Service Animals" loopholes are making
something that's supposed to be good a negative. Constant education of the
public is our job whether we use a cane or a dog. Do not get antagonistic
but always carry your Guide Dog school's ID with you as a good practice.

Angela asked a question on behalf of 4H puppy walkers who are being denied
access. The laws are different for puppies because they have not been
properly trained they need permission from establishments as they are not
trained how to act in public yet. Joe liked it to the teens with drivers
licenses-restrictions may apply about where they can drive and how many
people can be in the vehicle. Dog Guides in training wear bandanas or vests
and the puppy raisers carry ID. Trish was asked by Michelle to e-mail ADA
changes information so that it can be posted on the various list serves and
Divisions within the NJNFB. 

NAGDU has a twitter account and is in competition with the travel & Tourism
Division for Twitter followers. NAGDU now has 22 followers to T&T's 30.  I
encourage everyone to go to http://www.twitter.com/nagdu1 and click on the
"Follow" link! We only need 8 more followers to catch up and 9 to overtake
them. Keep in mind, though, that they are actively recruiting followers, so
let's not be complacent! Let's make a concerted effort and overtake T&T in a
big way!  You can also subscribe to our NAGDU Word press blog by going to

Michelle moved and Trish seconded that the meeting should be concluded.
Meeting adjourned at 9:12 p.m. the next meeting will be Monday, Sept. 16th
at 8 p.m.

The agenda for September 16th will be sent prior to the meeting.

Minutes are submitted by Alice Eaddy, Assistant Secretary




Vincent G Chaney Jr


President, NFBNJ New Jersey Association of Guide Dog Users

President, NFBNJ Diabetes Division

Vice President, NFBNJ Technology Division

Webmaster: nfbnj.org  <http://www.nfbnj.org/> http://www.nfbnj.org


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