[Njagdu] FW: 60 Minute 2 Impact presents NFB leadership - please attend & circulate

NAGDU President blind411 at verizon.net
Mon May 2 21:05:26 UTC 2016



From: Nisarg thakkar [mailto:nsrgthakkar at gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 5:31 PM
To: president at nagdu.org
Subject: 60 Minute 2 Impact presents NFB leadership - please attend & circulate




Dear Mr. Marion Gwizdala,


My name is Nisarg Thakkar, and I am from Project Starfish America.




I am reaching out to you in regards to our 60 Minute 2 Impact listen & learn program.  This program is the world's first global, professional empowerment movement, where successful business professionals around the world share their skills, knowledge and experience to teach, empower and impact the lives of millions of diverse people globally.


60 Minute 2 Impact is proud to present Mark Riccobono, the president of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) and Anil Lewis, the executive director of NFB's Jernigan Institute.


Time: 10 am edt

Date: Tuesday May 3rd


Call in details: 701 801 1220 line and code 271 239 502


Come listen and learn as these NFB leaders talk about their journeys, and how NFB has taught them to live life to the fullest.


I hope you can attend this program and that you will pass this information to others in your network who might be interested.


If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Nasreen Bhutta at 1-781-262-0520.


Thank you for your time.





Nisarg Thakkar, ASC AES CER.DBPRO

Business Researcher

Project Starfish America (www.pstarfish.org)

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/nisarg-thakkar/68/732/b63

"An Experiential business learning and Opportunity platform to Learn, Earn, Grow, get relevant Work Experience and become successful professionals."




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