[Njagdu] FW: [Nagdu-leaders] "Service Animals Welcome" decal & Creating a Service Animal Tool Kit

Patricia Ebel patriciaebel0302 at comcast.net
Fri May 20 01:48:26 UTC 2016



From: NAGDU-Leaders [mailto:nagdu-leaders-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
NAGDU President via NAGDU-Leaders
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2016 1:05 PM
To: nagdu-leaders at nfbnet.org
Cc: NAGDU President
Subject: [Nagdu-leaders] "Service Animals Welcome" decal & Creating a Service
Animal Tool Kit


Dear NAGDU leadership,


                Many of you are aware that NAGDU has created a "Service
Animals Welcome" decal. For those who do not know about these, they are a 4 X
6 back-stick vinyl piece with the words "Service Animals Welcome" across the
top, a line that states "in all places the public is allowed in accordance
with state & federal law", with National Association of Guide Dog Users and
the NFB logo followed by the NAGDU website and hotline number. These decals
will be available soon from the Jernigan Institute's Independence market with
prior authorization from either Mike Hingson or me. The decals are meant to
be a conversation starter to discuss service animal users' rights and
responsibilities with businesses. More information will be available once the
piece is available next week.


Last night I attended the board of directors meeting of the Florida
Asociation of Guide dog Users (FLAGDU) for which our NAGDU secretary,
Sherrill O'Brien serves as president and my wife, merry Schoch, serves as
vice president. Merry suggested FLAGDU create and edited version of what we
call the "It's the law" flyer we have used in Florida for several years which
was created with the help of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office. This
flyer contains a synopsis of the blind pedestrian and service animal access
laws. The board agreed to develop the service animal access law into a single
piece that would accompany the decals. This idea morphed into a discussion of
a larger piece my social worker wife referred to as a toolkit. The toolkit
would have several pieces in it, including - but not limited to - the decal,
the edited flyer we have not yet named, the implementing regulations of the
ADA concerning service animals, and a break room piece for employees. We
realize this information needs to be available to other affiliates, so we
will be looking into how we can feasibly accomplish this. I welcome any
questions and/or suggestions concerning this and will keep everyone abreast
of how it evolves.


Fraternally yours,




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