[Njtechdiv] TOWARDS more STEM in Braille with graphics: [john.boyer at abilitiessoft.com: [absoft-members] A milestone in BrailleBlaster development]
David Andrews
dandrews at visi.com
Tue Sep 4 23:30:37 UTC 2012
>The BrailleBlaster software can now be used for Braille translation on
>Windows. See the links below. It handles Nemeth and will eventually
>handle tactile graphics as well. It is free and open source.
>----- Forwarded message from "John J. Boyer"
><john.boyer at abilitiessoft.com> -----
>Subject: [absoft-members] A milestone in BrailleBlaster development
>From: "John J. Boyer" <john.boyer at abilitiessoft.com>
>Date: Tue, 4 Sep 2012 17:43:34 -0500
>To: absoft-members at freelists.org
>List-archive: <http://www.freelists.org/archives/absoft-members>
>Below are links to previews of the BrailleBlaster software for Windows.
>The purpose of this software is to make Braille and tactile graphics
>available at low cost. The software itself is free. It is also Open
>Source. Please take a look at it and pass this message on to others who
>might be interested. We need feedback. A final release of this version
>will be placed on the BrailleBlaster website soon.
>Here are the links to the Windows preview installers:
>Windows 64-bit:
>Windows 32-bit:
>John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer
>Abilitiessoft, Inc.
>Madison, Wisconsin USA
>Developing software for people with disabilities
>----- End forwarded message -----
>John J. Boyer; President, Chief Software Developer
>Abilitiessoft, Inc.
>Madison, Wisconsin USA
>Developing software for people with disabilities
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