[Njtechdiv] Color recognition apps for the iPhone

Mary Jo Partyka choirnfb at gmail.com
Sun Nov 24 03:11:32 UTC 2013

Hi, Jane,


I haven't tried cam find yet but I might.


Mary Jo


From: Njtechdiv [mailto:njtechdiv-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Kevin
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 5:10 PM
To: New Jersey Technology Division List
Subject: Re: [Njtechdiv] Color recognition apps for the iPhone


On 11/23/2013 5:07 PM, Janie Degenshein wrote:

tap tap see that Mary Jo stated is wonderful for telling colors, money,
identifying different pill bottles, salad dressings like it would say

kraft lite italian, or

tylenol PM

but there is a charge after the initial offering

I have had this app since it began a year ago and now it is

100 pictures for $7.99 or a monthly subscription of $9.99

so this encouraged me to research another app

Does anyone else have cam find?

I have been using this free app

It has a history log, but you need to take a picture on the bottom row
second spot from the left

This is different from tap tap see as you can double tap anywhere

It works fine though

So glad to see some life to this our NJ technology list

woo hoo

Prhaps, we can assist others to use this in our first conference call

Have a terrific Thanksgiving and remember to givve others a huge hug!



From: Brian Mackey <mailto:bmackey88 at gmail.com>  

Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 2:15 PM

To: njtechdiv at nfbnet.org 

Subject: [Njtechdiv] Color recognition apps for the iPhone


Hello All,


Does anyone have a color recognition app that they really like that is for
the iPhone? At one point Sherlock Washington recommended ColoredEyes, but
when I saw the podcast on applevis.com, it was also talking about an app
called ColoredVisor. If anyone has both of those two apps, could you tell me
what you think about both apps? I am mainly looking for an app that can tell
me what color something is, and what color the stripes are if there are any
on a shirt. That way I can match the correct shirt with the correct pants
when necessary. Please let me know what you recommend when you get a moment.
I will greatly appreciate it.




Brian A. Mackey


Brian A. Mackey

Mackey Enterprises LLC

National Federation of the Blind of NJ, Secretary


bmackey88 at gmail.com


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those dreams come true."

        - Vince Papale



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Janie Degenshein
"Happiness isn't having what you want, but wanting what you already have"
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