[Njtechdiv] what does IE have to do with it at all?

Kevin kevinsisco61784 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 8 20:15:36 UTC 2014

On 4/8/2014 4:09 PM, ken lawrence wrote:
> Hi list a strange thing is happening sometimes when I click a link.  
> this happens when I close down chrome, go to my email and try to click 
> a link in a messsage.  another happening like this is if I'm running 
> something in another browser at the same time.  the only way to fix 
> this is restarting the computer.  for example just now reading Kim 
> komando's daily news digest there is a story about some new kind of 
> glasses that can help the visually impaired.  I clicked the link that 
> said click here to see how they work but instead of opening the page 
> in chrome it says Address not valid windows internet explorer.  wha 
> why won't a link click properly in an email in these cases and what 
> does IE even have to do with it.  chrome is my default browser.  BTW 
> don't forget today is patch tuesday and be sure to have automatic 
> install enabled.  I do and already got an update for adobe flash.  
> also on another note have switched to AVG it works great!
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You are seeing this error while in chrome?


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