[Njtechdiv] FW: World Health Organization and assistive technology

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu Jan 28 02:56:52 UTC 2016

>From: Assistive Technology Online Network 
>[mailto:ATNETWORK at LISTSERV.SC.EDU] On Behalf Of Carol Page
>Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:57 AM
>Subject: World Health Organization and assistive technology
>This is from the <http://www.who.int/>World Health Organization:
>We would like to invite you to participate in 
>the WHO-GATE global survey to identify the top 
>50 priority assistive products. The survey is 
>open to all stakeholders, but users or potential 
>users of assistive technologies, their families 
>and organizations are particularly encouraged to 
>participate. We are aiming for the highest 
>number of responses from as many countries as 
>possible. Please share the link to the survey 
>with any user or provider of assistive technologies among your contacts.
>You may access the online survey in 37 different languages through this link:
>By completing the survey you will contribute to 
>developing a standard list of most essential 
>assistive products that must be available in a 
>health system. The Assistive Products List (APL) 
>will serve as a model for countries to develop 
>their own national lists based on their specific 
>needs and available resources. The APL will help 
>guide countries in realizing their commitments 
>as signatories of the Convention on the Rights 
>of Persons with Disabilities by setting a minimum standard of provision.
>Should you be unable to complete the survey 
>online you may download the word version from 
>the WHO website (in the language of your choice) 
>and return the filled-in form by email. Please 
>find the PDF and word versions of the 52 
>different languages by following this link:
>The deadline for completing the survey is the 
>3rd of March 2016. Thank you for your support in 
>this initiative. Please do not hesitate to 
>contact me with any further questions or comments.
>Best Regards,
>Andrea Pupulin
>World Health Organization | Avenue Appia 20 | 1211 Geneva | Switzerland
><mailto:pupulina at who.int>pupulina at who.int
>This e-mail transmission, in its entirety and 
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>is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received 
>this e-mail in error, please notify the sender 
>immediately and destroy the related message.   ­­
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         David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
E-Mail:  dandrews at visi.com or david.andrews at nfbnet.org
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