[Njtechdiv] emailing to google plus circles

ken lawrence kenlawrence124 at aol.com
Wed Jul 27 22:58:22 UTC 2016

Hi listers ken with a question.  the very very special lady I contacted via the relay to talk to the deaf may or may not be in my circle on google plus.  I have read the note on help but it isn’t clear.  it is obviously written for sighted.  what you are told in the help is you can email someone in your circles even if you don’t know their email address.  in the compose button in the to field it says typ the person’s name but it “if a match is found you will see, their name and photo.  when I try it though I get an error message saying the name isn’t properly formed.  this doesn’t make sense if you don’t know the email address and just the name how are you supposed to form it.  does anyone know how this works for a totally blind user.  I do know this must be done on a computer and from a browser which in my case is finding gmail on chrome.  if none on list know, do any on list know of a tutorial or tutorials on google plus and related?  thanks.  ken.
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