[Njtechdiv] Fwd: Free training offers for GAAD 2016 at Deque

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Thu May 19 13:58:26 UTC 2016

>Dave would you please post the below message on the NFB Announce list?
>Thank you,
>Dear all,
>Today is Global Accessibility Awareness day! Deque is making our 
>Deque University courses available for free to all persons with 
>disabilities. See below for how to sign up and all the details.
>If you are considering a career in the field of digital 
>accessibility this is your chance to get access to courses that will 
>put you on the path for success!
>Starting today , May 19th (Global Accessibility Awareness Day!), our 
>Deque University online courses in digital accessibility will be 
>available to people with disabilities for free.  The offer is good 
>for one year after the sign-up date.  To sign up, all we require is 
>the applicant's name, email, identification of disability, and a 
>brief personal statement.  All applicants with a disability will 
>receive login credentials.  The full list of courses, application 
>link, and additional details are located at 
>Warm regards,
>Jeanine Kay Lineback
>President | <http://www.nfbaustin.org/>National Federation of the 
>Blind of Texas Austin Chapter
>(512) 919-0430
>up with NFB Austin on Facebook
><http://www.twitter.com/nfbaustin>Follow NFB Austin on Twitter @nfbaustin
>Jeanine Lineback
><http://www.twitter.com/jlineback>Twitter: @jlineback
>Skype: jeanine.lineback
>LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jlineback
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