[Njtechdiv] got these email yesterday it just might interest some one Fw: [Jobs] FW: From Text To Speech - Free online TTS service

Lester Cameron underdogmj at comcast.net
Wed Apr 5 13:57:08 UTC 2017

it sounds interesting  to me   
too emails the first one is about  Text To Speech , the next one is called Z A M Z A R
Subject: From Text To Speech - Free online TTS service 


After Dick posted the text to Speech translator, I remembered another one with more flexibility, including several languages, several SAPI voices and several accents.  


 The only difference I can see is that you have to copy and paste your text in the edit field instead of uploading a file.  Feel free to pass it around.  


Here is something new that might be of use in job and training applications.

tool to convert print files to audio

One of my colleagues just showed me something called ZAMZAR. In only a few minutes, you can upload a word or pdf file and get an mp3 audio file sent to you via email.  This could be a great tool  especially for those last minute print docs that need to be in an audio format for students.  Hope you can find it useful! http://www.zamzar.com/  

if you would like the email as it was sent to me just email me and I will email it to you  

my disclaimer 

I lester cameron 
shall have any responsibility or liability whatsoever to the contents of these emails   
april 5th 2017 

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