[Njtechdiv] Fwd: Voice Dream Apps On Sale

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Jun 24 02:51:01 UTC 2017

>Summer is for reading. To celebrate summer’s 
>arrival, Voice Dream is having a huge sale!
>Voice Dream Reader for iOS is 50% off at $6.99. 
>Voice Dream Writer is 70% off at $2.99. Voice 
>Dream Reader for Android is 50% off at $4.99 in 
>Google Play Store. The sale ends on July 4, 2017.
>(Note that prices vary outside the US, and 
>Writer is not available in some countries.)
>Many people can benefit from Voice Dream apps: 
>folks with dyslexia, folks who are visually 
>impaired, folks who have other learning styles, 
>or folks who are on the go and want to maximize 
>their productivity. Please tell your friends, 
>family, neighbors, co-workers, students, 
>colleagues, and classmates about this great deal!
>Get ready to Read With Your Ears this summer!
>Voice Dream Support and Educational Outreach
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