[Njtechdiv] Fw: Aira free at Walgreens

Jane Degenshein jdegen16 at comcast.net
Tue Nov 13 14:39:49 UTC 2018

Well folks
I received this from our VP Tony Santiago and found it so worthy of getting 
out to you pronto
Enjoy and let me know on a future call if you used this service friends

From: Tony santiago
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 9:26 AM
To: jdegen16 at comcast.net
Subject: Aira free at Walgreens

We’re pleased to announce that all Walgreens stores are now free Aira Access 

Walgreens has a history of breaking new ground to meet its customers’ needs 
and improve their health, from offering self-service stores beginning in the 
1950s to developing a 5-star rated mobile app today. In its pharmacies, 
Walgreens was the first major drugstore chain to put prescriptions into 
child-resistant containers in the 1960s (long before it was required by law) 
and in 2016 was the first to offer safe medication disposal kiosks in its 

Today, Walgreens continues their tradition of innovation by becoming the 
first healthcare retailer and pharmacy chain to enable free Aira Access – 
meaning that you can connect with an agent for free whenever shopping at one 
of their stores!

Fun fact: as of August 31, 2018, Walgreens operates approximately 9,560 
drugstores with a presence in all 50 states – and you can use Aira for free 
in every one of them.

Read more about our latest addition to the Aira Access network.

What can you do with Aira at Walgreens?
  a.. Find specific items in the aisles

  b.. Find a staff member to help address your specific needs

  c.. Navigate to the pharmacy

  d.. Identify the shortest checkout line

  e.. Identify items on sale

  f.. Sort coupons to get the best deal

Some FAQs
How does it work?

If you have allowed Aira notifications, your Aira app will notify you that 
you’ve entered a free Aira Access location. While in an Aira Access 
Location, tap on the notification or open your Aira app to connect with an 
agent for free.

Can my friends use it too?

Absolutely! They can download the Aira app here and register for free as a 
Guest to navigate the store with their phone.

Do I need to use my Aira smart glasses?

As an Explorer, you can use your smart glasses or your phone. Guests can 
only use Aira for free in Aira Access Locations by using their smartphone.

Is there a limit to how long I can use Aira at Walgreens?

No! You can use Aira for as long as you need during your Walgreens 

Get ready to explore Walgreens in a whole new way.

Happy Exploring!

The Aira Team

Have any questions or issues? Contact Customer Care at 800-835-1934 or email 
support at aira.io.

Refer a friend to join Aira and get a discount on your Aira service! Simply 
choose "Referral" in the More tab in the Aira app to send them an invite.


Aira Tech Corp
4225 Executive Square
La Jolla, CA

You received this email because you are subscribed to Aira Annoucements from 
Aira Tech Corp.
Update your email preferences to choose the types of emails you receive.

Tony Santiago
Ts.128 at icloud.com 
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