[NJTechDiv] Tech Tip
guitarwizandy at optonline.net
Mon Apr 13 16:01:54 UTC 2020
Hey everyone, I wanted to share some of the info mentioned today.
First off, Freedom Scientific offers many training resources. There are hours of webinars, trainings, tips, and other content on their training pages.
They have a specific page for webinars; it can be found at this link <https://www.freedomscientific.com/training/freewebinars/archivedwebinars/>. Alternatively, you can go to their home page, and click on Training. There, you will find many, many resources including the aforementioned webinars, a section for practicing Internet skills called "Surf's Up", video tutorials, and much more (each product is listed separately). They even have a YouTube channel <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLlctxRAroB4ApeQd5b_I6A/videos?view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=1> for more tips.
There are also resources in the help menu. If you press Insert+J, followed by Alt+H, you will find training resources, a basic audiobook, and a lot more.
FreedomScientific also offers a license of JAWS that expires on June 30. If you're interested, here is more information <https://www.freedomscientific.com/webinars/connect-and-learn-040220/> on the license.
I also wanted to mention something for HumanWare users. If you use a BrailleNote Touch, Victor Reader Stream or Trek, or a whole number of magnifiers, they are now offering a new webinar series. These are very useful. Here is a direct link <http://support.humanware.com/en-canada/support/humanware_live_webinar_series> to these webinars, but you can also click on Support, followed by "HumanWare Live Webinar Series" from the home page. There are also many other resources there as well for other products.
We talked about Jonathan Mosen's free audiobook, called Meet Me Accessibly, a guide to Zoom Cloud Meetings from a blindness perspective. If anyone is interested in this book, you can go to mosen.org and click on the link for the book. Or, you can simply click here <https://mosen.org/zoom/> for the book.
Happy learning, and stay safe.
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