[NJTechDiv] a zoom question

Andy guitarwizandy at optonline.net
Mon Apr 13 23:12:32 UTC 2020

I believe that if you do not have Zoom installed you will experience weird behavior like this, so you probably didn't have Zoom on your computer.  To make sure, you could try going to zoom. <http://zoom.us/>us and get the software from them.

> On Apr 13, 2020, at 7:08 PM, ken lawrence via NJTechDiv <njtechdiv at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi division members just ended the virtual connections chat on zoom went on the computer.  And it was a snap.  A question when I entered the meeting via the website an app downloaded. Actually goofed I downloaded it a second time but deleted one.  A question now. The dot EXE the executable file isn’t in my downloads folder. Can now find zoom in my programs in the apps and features section.  A question. If I go to a zoom meeting online now will that app automaticly launch at any meeting or will the computer download a new app each time?  Just wondering.  
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows 10
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