[NJTechDiv] FW: iBUG Cafe - November 8, 2020
Steve Cook
stanley7709 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 11:07:11 UTC 2020
Thought some would be interested in the below information.
Subject: iBUG Cafe - November 8, 2020
<https://mailchi.mp/26f56cd0cbfd/ibug-cafe-november-8-2020?e=24ddc25dae> View this email in your browser
Please join us for the next monthly iBUG Cafe.
Sunday, November 8, 2020, 4:00 to 6:00 PM (Central Time)
WHERE: Until further notice, all meetings will be held via Zoom conference call only.
During our iBUG Buzz conference calls or monthly iBUG/Apple workshops, we may demo an app and provide a high-level overview of the basic features/utilization of the app. The iBUG Cafe is intended to be a "deep-dive" training session into an iOS third-party app or genre of apps to gain a real hands-on, working understanding and utilization of the app.
For this session, we have selected the Voice Dream Reader and Files apps for our deep-dive training session. Advanced iBUG members will facilitate and provide demos at the iBUG Cafe.
If you have recommendations for future iBUG Cafe training sessions, please submit those to the iBUG email address shown below.
We will be using the iBUG Zoom conference platform. We recommend using the Zoom app which may be downloaded from the App store at the following link:
<https://ibugtoday.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4df096a1d765624b3d7355cf9&id=d572544103&e=24ddc25dae> https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zoom-cloud-meetings/id546505307?mt=
To join a meeting, you may click on the following link:
<https://ibugtoday.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4df096a1d765624b3d7355cf9&id=12f1921f84&e=24ddc25dae> https://zoom.us/j/7428486329?pwd=M003RmZaa3pTbWRlZ00xbSs4YTlmUT09
Meeting ID: 742 848 6329
Password: 369978
You may also dial in using the following methods (long distance charges may apply)
One tap mobile from a smartphone
+13462487799,,7428486329#,,,,,,0#,,369978# US
Dial from a landline
+1 346 248 7799 US
For additional info about iBUG, please visit our website at <https://ibugtoday.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4df096a1d765624b3d7355cf9&id=4b6f63f80c&e=24ddc25dae> ibugtoday.org
The iBUG Today Team
Email: <mailto:ibugtoday at gmail.com> ibugtoday at gmail.com
Website: <https://ibugtoday.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4df096a1d765624b3d7355cf9&id=c2bcadcf08&e=24ddc25dae> www.ibugtoday.org
Facebook: <https://ibugtoday.us18.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4df096a1d765624b3d7355cf9&id=a8e8ce561f&e=24ddc25dae> www.facebook.com/groups/ibugtoday/
Twitter: @ibugtoday
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iBUG Today · 4719 Caroline St · Houston, TX 77004-5024 · USA
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