[NJTechDiv] FW: [Electronics-Talk] Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, December 9, 2021 - Volume 836
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Fri Dec 10 17:04:36 UTC 2021
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From: Electronics-Talk [mailto:electronics-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Top Tech Tidbits via Electronics-Talk
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2021 4:01 AM
To: electronics-talk at nfbnet.org
Cc: Top Tech Tidbits
Subject: [Electronics-Talk] Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, December 9, 2021 - Volume 836
Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, December 9, 2021 - Volume 836 Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, December 9, 2021 - Volume 836 The Week's News in Adaptive Technology https://toptechtidbits.com/ A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication https://mvsltd.com/ About | Top Tech Tidbits. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in adaptive technology. Web Version | Read this volume of Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday online at: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/tidbits2021/12092021/. Share | Share this volume of Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday on Facebook: http://bit.ly/sharetidbits836. Spam Filter | You have received this email from Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. because you are subscribed to receive the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Email Newsletter. To ensure that you continue to receive the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Email Newsletter please be sure to add the following email address to your Address Book, Email Contact List, Trusted Sender's List, and/or Safe Sender's List today: enews at toptechtidbits.com. This Week's Featured Advertisement: Last Chance: A. T. Guys Holiday Tech Deals; Speakers, BlindShell 2, Versa Slate, Aftershokx, and more! It's not too late to order those holiday gadgets for you or those you love. But this is your last chance for free shipping with an order of $79 or more. Use coupon "tidbits" to get the deal through December 13th 2021. We've got the BlindShell 2, an upgraded simple phone with tactile buttons, a headphone jack & louder speaker. Powerful, yet simple to use with Email, Internet radio, Be My Eyes, & more. Get your fingers on the Versa Slate or Versa Mini, paperless, braille slates great for quick notes or learning braille. Shop our sale on Aftershokz open ear headsets, including Aeropex and OpenMove, a savings of up to $30, or check out our new one-ear headset, the Storm. Bring the party with our loudest Bluetooth speaker, the Stormbox Pro. Save 10 percent on WayAround stickers, buttons, magnets, & clips for labeling just about anything. Check out our travel charger, wireless earbuds, USBC hub, or our folding Bluetooth keyboard. Visit atguys.com for all of the latest gadgets, and don't forget that coupon: https://www.atguys.com/tidbits Dear Rolando, 1) Top 5 Most Clicked Tidbits From Last Week A.) Live Text, New In iOS 15 Is Amazing, But It Took Us 45 Years Of Technical Advancements To Get There: (10.3% of all clicks.) https://accessibility-insights.com/2021/11/06/live-text-new-in-ios-15-is-amazing-but-it-took-us-45-years-of-technical-advancements-to-get-there/ B.) Rollova 2.0 Is An Easy To Use Digital Ruler That Makes Measurements A Breeze: (10.0% of all clicks.) https://assistivetechnologyblog.com/2021/11/rollova-2-0-is-an-easy-to-use-digital-ruler-that-makes-measurements-a-breeze.html C.) How to Get Google Assistant to Read Web Pages to You: (4.9% of all clicks.) https://www.androidcentral.com/how-get-google-assistant-read-web-pages-you D.) AppleVis Unlimited: What's New and Noteworthy for November 2021: (4.6% of all clicks.) https://www.applevis.com/newsletter/applevis-unlimited-whats-new-noteworthy-november-2021 E.) Use A Screen Reader With Office Apps: (4.3% of all clicks.) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/use-a-screen-reader-with-office-apps-4aba5a56-f80c-4a6b-a584-d0f415471617 2) One Top Tech Tidbits Sponsorship Package Currently Available Please consider helping us to support the ongoing distribution of this publication. Join 11 other AT Industry Leaders in giving Tidbits readers the gift of free weekly technology information while reaching over 6,800 Assistive Technology professionals, educators and enthusiasts each week. All for just $25 a week! There's no value quite like it in the industry. If you would like to join us in supporting Tidbits while enjoying some really incredible marketing benefits, please reach out to our publisher today at: publisher at toptechtidbits.com ✉. Or learn more at: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/sponsorship-information.html. 3) JAWS Tip: Reversing Last Setting Courtesy of Freedom Scientific: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/44.html 4) Pin and Arrange Apps on the Start Menu in Windows 11 with JAWS | dSurf In this lesson you learn how to add or remove pinned buttons for apps in the Windows 11 Start menu. Then arrange them in the order you want with the keyboard: https://dsurf.net/windows-11-training/pin-and-arrange-apps-on-the-start-menu/ 5) TPGi Announces The Launch of JAWS Connect JAWS Connect is a first-of-its-kind solution that delivers assistive technology user feedback directly to the enterprise organizations seeking to deliver accessible digital experiences. JAWS Connect was made possible through collaboration between Vispero's TPGi and Freedom Scientific (the maker of JAWS for Windows) brands. JAWS Connect is a product that finally bridges the gap between the largest community of assistive technology users in the world and the organizations that are building websites and applications, placing usability at the center of digital accessibility: https://www.tpgi.com/jaws-connect-launch-press-release/?utm_medium=email&_hsmi=190329502&utm_content=190329502&utm_source=hs_email 6) Microsoft Surface Adaptive Kit | Designed With Accessibility In Mind And In Collaboration With The Disability Community In late September Microsoft announced the Surface Adaptive Kit was coming soon. As of December 1st 2021 the kit has officially launched and they want to take a moment to celebrate the people, community, and stories that helped them create the labels, indicators, and openers that now empower anyone to make their Surface device a little easier to use: https://blogs.microsoft.com/accessibility/surface-adaptive-kit/ 7) Seasons Readings from Bookshare Bookshare has released its holiday reading list in all accessible formats: https://blog.bookshare.org/2021/12/seasons-readings-from-bookshare/ 8) 95.0 Firefox Release There have been accessibility improvements in the latest version of Firefox for Jaws and Zoomtext users. "After starting Firefox, users of the JAWS screen reader and ZoomText magnifier will no longer need to switch applications in order to access Firefox:" https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/95.0/releasenotes/ 9) NVDA 2021.3 Released This release introduces support for the new HID Braille specification. There are updates to eSpeak-NG and LibLouis, including new Russian and Tshivenda tables. Error sounds can be enabled in stable builds of NVDA via a new advanced settings option. Say all in Word now scrolls the view to keep the current position visible. There are lots of improvements when using Office with UIA. One UIA fix is that Outlook now ignores more types of layout tables in messages. https://www.nvaccess.org/post/nvda-2021-3/ 10) Explainer for W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0 This explainer highlights the changes coming in the web content accessibility guidelines. "W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0 is a successor to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.2 [ WCAG22] and previous versions but does not deprecate WCAG 2.X. It will also incorporate content from and partially extend User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 [ UAAG20] and Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 [ ATAG20." https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/DNOTE-wcag-3.0-explainer-20211207/ 11) Aira Introduces Priority Connect, Call Handling to Support Explorers During Peak Demand Aira may limit Guest calls and calls for Aira-sponsored programs during periods of peak demand moving forward: https://aira.io/aira-introduces-priority-connect/ 12) Best Apps For Hearing Loss These Apple and Android Apps come highly recommended for the deaf and hard of hearing community: https://www.healthyhearing.com/report/53274-Smartphone-apps-for-hearing-loss 13) Audible Launches 100 Audiobooks For Free On Alexa: Here's How To Access Audible, the audiobook giant, releases 100 free audiobooks that can be accessed on your Amazon smart speaker and there's more to come: https://indianexpress.com/article/technology/social/audible-launches-100-audiobooks-for-free-on-alexa-heres-how-to-access-7658383/ 14) Apple Still Hasn't Fixed Siri Issue That Nixed Call, Email, and Voicemail Features Used by Low Vision and Blind Users [Updated] There some good news on the horizon with Apple confirming a fix for these Siri issues is coming in the IOS 15.2 update: https://www.macrumors.com/2021/12/06/apple-no-siri-fix-low-vision-features/ 15) Microsoft Releases Free Gaming Accessibility Course This five module course from Microsoft is aimed at teaching new and existing developers the fundamentals of creating accessible games: https://www.nme.com/news/gaming-news/microsoft-releases-free-gaming-accessibility-course-3110774 16) Amazon's Alexa Together Launches Today Offering More Elder Care Features Amazon officially releases Alexa Together, an enhanced subscription based service aimed at helping to support loved ones to live independently: https://www.theverge.com/2021/12/7/22822026/amazon-alexa-together-elder-care-price-features-release-date 17) One Of Chrome's Most Useful Accessibility Features Is Now Available For More Users Automatic image captioning is rolling out in ten new languages: https://www.androidpolice.com/one-of-chromes-most-useful-accessibility-features-is-now-available-for-more-users/ 18) LibreOffice 7.3 Beta1 Available for Testing The LibreOffice Quality Assurance ( QA ) Team is happy to announce LibreOffice 7.3 Beta1 is available for testing: https://qa.blog.documentfoundation.org/2021/12/01/libreoffice-7-3-beta1-is-available-for-testing/ 19) Cast Your Votes Now for the AppleVis Golden Apples of 2021 First launched in 2012, the AppleVis Golden Apples is an opportunity for blind and low vision users of Apple products to recognize and acknowledge the hard work and dedication which developers have put into making and maintaining great and accessible applications during the given year: https://www.applevis.com/newsletter/cast-your-votes-now-applevis-golden-apples-2021 ➜ Press Releases and Other News 1) Why Hawkeye Has Hearing Aids in His MCU Show This article highlights some of the physical damage, including hearing loss, experienced by service women and men: https://screenrant.com/hawkeye-deaf-hearing-aid-marvel-show-reason/ 2) Gaming Is Becoming Accessible, But We Need to Keep Asking for More This Refinery29 article highlights some of the improvements in gaming accessibility and continues asking for more since gaming is a good outlet for persons with disabilities and illness: https://www.refinery29.com/en-us/2021/12/10711964/gamers-with-disabilities-accessible-video-games?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=twitter_share 3) What is it like to have CVI? | YouTube This video from Perkins demonstrates what it is like to experience CVI (cortical/cerebral visual impairment), the fastest growing form of blindness - affecting more than 100,000 people in the US alone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY9JOEByuD0 4) Israel's OrCam Wins CES 2022 Innovation Award for 3rd Consecutive Year OrCam Technologies, the Jerusalem-based firm known for its AI-driven vision assistance tech, has nabbed its third consecutive win at the annual CES 2022 Innovation Awards: https://nocamels.com/2021/12/israel-orcam-ces-2022-innovation-award/ 5) Support the Access Technology Affordability Act of 2021 The Access Technology Affordability Act (ATAA) of 2021 is a bill that makes access technology more affordable to Americans who are blind and visually impaired. It creates a $2,000 refundable tax credit to eligible persons for the purchase of access technology over a three-year period: https://blog.freedomscientific.com/support-the-access-technology-affordability-act-of-2021/ 6) FCC Honors Apple With An Award For Ios 14 Accessibility Features Apple's range of accessibility features in iOS 14, including social distancing, sign language, and sound recognition, have received an FCC Award: https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/12/02/fcc-honors-apple-with-an-award-for-ios-14-accessibility-features 7) This Company Tapped AI for Its Website-and Landed in Court | Wired Under pressure to make their sites accessible to visually impaired users, firms turn to software. But advocates say the tech isn't always up to the task: https://www.wired.com/story/company-tapped-ai-website-landed-court/ 8) A New 'Sight-Restoring' Bionic Eye Took One Step Closer to Human Trials We have news of a new sight-restoring technology in the works that aims to engineer a bionic eye good enough for human trials. The invention is called the Phoenix99 Bionic Eye and it is an implantable system, designed to restore a form of vision to patients living with severe vision impairment and blindness caused by degenerative diseases: https://interestingengineering.com/sight-restoring-bionic-eye-one-step-closer-to-human-trials 9) GoodMaps is Changing the Way People Navigate Retail Stores ASDA has partnered with GoodMaps to help solve for core navigation challenges that shoppers face each day in their stores. With the GoodMaps indoor mapping and navigation technology, any shopper can now enter the store and use the GoodMaps Explore app to help them quickly find products and services they are looking for: https://goodmaps.com/news/good-maps-is-changing-the-way-people-navigate-retail-stores 10) Moovit And Wewalk Partner To Improve Transit Navigation For The Blind And Partially Sighted Moovit and WeWALK are joining forces to make public transit more accessible around the globe. The two companies are working together to provide WeWALK customers with the technology needed to travel safely and independently; ultimately allowing access to additional opportunities for employment, education, social activities and more: https://www.masstransitmag.com/technology/article/21248474/moovit-and-wewalk-partner-to-improve-transit-navigation-for-blind-and-partially-sighted 11) New Foundation for Blind Children Launches on International Day of People with Disabilities The TouchPad Pro Foundation forms to spread braille literacy and touchable art worldwide: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/new-foundation-for-blind-children-launches-on-international-day-of-people-with-disabilities-301436927.html 12) Low-Vision Apps, Devices, and Virtual Assistants Expand the View for the Visually Impaired The number and range of resources available to people with visual challenges has exploded in recent years: https://www.everydayhealth.com/vision/low-vision-apps-devices-virtual-assistants-expand-the-view-for-the-visually-impaired/ 13) This Australian Bionic Eye Implant Could Be the Future of Combatting Blindness Researchers at the University of Sydney and at the University of New South Wales have developed a bionic eye which has proved sustainable for long-term use, meaning it could be only a matter of time before we start seeing it used by humans: https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2021/12/australian-bionic-eye-implant/ 14) Give the Gift of Sight with Vision Buddy The World's First TV Focused Device for the Visually Impaired If there's someone in the family dealing with an eye condition that causes vision loss then consider something different this holiday season. Vision Buddy is a Silicon Valley startup that has trailblazed the field of assistive technology for the Visually Impaired: https://www.einnews.com/pr_news/557416500/give-the-gift-of-sight-vision-buddy-the-world-s-first-tv-focused-device-for-the-visually-impaired 15) RNIB And Metro Create Braille Newspaper Cover Highlighting Need For Accessibility The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) and Metro newspaper have partnered to create the first braille cover for a UK nationally distributed newspaper: https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/rnib-metro-create-braille-newspaper-cover-highlighting-need-accessibility/1734897 16) Asda Trials UK-First Indoor Map Service For Blind & Visually Impaired Shoppers The app can pinpoint the user's location to within a meter of accuracy and then communicate directions to an object or area via audio, enlarged visual, and touch commands: https://www.retailgazette.co.uk/blog/2021/12/asda-trials-uk-first-indoor-map-service-for-the-blind-visually-impaired-shoppers/ ➜ Featured Podcast Episodes 1) Outdoors with Lawrence Gunther 39: Beach Vacations and the Return of White Sharks to Atlantic Canada November 28th 2021 | Episode 38 of Outdoors with Lawrence Gunther explored Great Lakes monster myths. On episode 39 we offer a more sobering dive into the Atlantic Ocean and the return of Great White Sharks to the region. Ms. Lilly has interesting facts to share about white sharks and seals, and Dr. Chris Harvey Clark describes his recent underwater encounter with a white shark in Halifax harbor. On Tips and Tech we demonstrate a water-resistant beeping compass designed and built for use by blind and low vision people. Lawrence's Reflections focus on managing risk when adventuring on the ocean blind. Indeed, lots to think about when planning your next outdoor adventure in Atlantic Canada. To listen to the podcast, please visit: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/episode-39-beach-vacations-and-the-return-of-white/id1530444764?i=1000543296614 2) Hadley Presents Tips for Living with Vision Loss and Dementia December 3rd 2021 We're joined by Teepa Snow, occupational therapist and founder of Positive Approach to Care, to learn more about the challenges of having both vision loss and dementia. Teepa addresses common misconceptions about dementia and shares practical tips for supporting someone with both conditions: https://hadley.edu/podcasts/hadley-presents-conversation-experts/tips-living-vision-loss-and-dementia?utm_source=Learners&utm_campaign=34e9941632-hadleypresents-ep45-sf_12-03-2021&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d1babd3418-34e9941632-52499638&mc_cid=34e9941632&mc_eid=8997daa19d 3) Blind Android Users 52 | The Power of Screen Recorders December 4th 2021 | This week we talk all about recording your screen. We demo AZ screen recorder, the default pixel screen recorder and SignitiveSoft screen recorder. In talkback highlights, we show you how to find your home screen settings and explore them. To listen to the podcast, please visit: https://blindandroidusers.com/category/bauposts/shownotes/ 4) Mosen At Large 160 December 4th 2021 What are your top 10 holiday songs of all time, your Chromebook has TalkBack built in, and do you need a dedicated blindness device when a smartphone app does the same thing? https://mosenatlarge.pinecast.co/episode/0544efcf/what-are-your-top-10-holiday-songs-of-all-time-your-chromebook-has-talkback-built-in-and-do-you-need-a-dedicated-blindness-device-when-a-smartphone-app-does-the-same-thing- 5) Eyes on Success 2150 Voxmate App December 8th 2021 The number and complexity of gestures required to operate today's smart phones and tablets can make operating such devices a daunting task for those who are less technically savvy. Hosts Nancy and Peter Torpey talk with Gleb Zevkov and Katja Danilova, founders and developers of the Voxmate app for Android that offers an innovative solution to using these devices: https://www.eyesonsuccess.net/show%20notes/show%20notes%202150.htm ➜ Featured Webinars and Training Courses 1) Setting the Table for Accessibility: Creating Inclusive Experiences for QSR / Restaurant Customers | TPGi December 9th 2021 | 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 5PM GMT https://www.tpgi.com/webinar-december-9-at-12pm-et-creating-inclusive-experiences-for-qsr-restaurant-customers/ 2) Using Braille Commands with VoiceOver: "Apple"-ly Your Braille Skills to the Mantis and Chameleon | APH December 9th 2021 | 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 5PM GMT | It's beginning to look a lot like the end of the semester, so come join us for a refresher on using your braille display with VoiceOver. Our primary focus will be the Chameleon 20 braille display from APH but we'll also cover some tips relevant to the Mantis Q40 and all of our Perkins keyboard braille tips will be relevant for other braille displays. Check it out and by the end you will be zipping around your Apple device with braille at your fingertips! Register Here for Using Braille Commands with VoiceOver: "Apple"-ly Your Braille Skills to the Mantis and Chameleon: https://aph.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_d-i9rgoOSHOsaYpFswdsrQ 3) Setting the Table for Accessibility: Creating Inclusive Experiences for QSR / Restaurant Customers | TPGi December 9th 2021 | 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 5PM GMT | An inclusive ordering process and restaurant environment are critical parts of designing a complete and inclusive customer dining experience. Consider incorporating accessibility into your dining experiences, from your website and mobile application to your in-person kiosk ordering experience to your on-site menu. Each connection builds upon the next when we are discussing your customers' dining experience. Join Laura Boniello-Miller and Matt Ater for this exciting webinar and learn the essential aspects of creating an inclusive QSR restaurant experience and making your customers with disabilities feel welcome at your table: https://www.tpgi.com/webinar-december-9-at-12pm-et-creating-inclusive-experiences-for-qsr-restaurant-customers/ 4) Five Best New Apps To Debut in 2021 | Technology User Group (TUG) December 11th 2021 | 7AM PT, 8AM MT, 9AM CT, 10AM ET, 3PM GMT | On Saturday, December 11th 2021 the Technology User Group will showcase the five best new apps to debut in 2021, as well as look forward into 2022 to highlight upcoming trends and the tech that will be disappearing. Have you discovered a smart phone app that you enjoy? Feel free to share information about the app with all of us. You do not have to RSVP for this event. The presentation will begin at 10 AM and last about 60 minutes. We look forward to meeting with you and hope that you will join us for other exciting events we have planned for 2022 and beyond. This presentation will be virtual and may be joined by calling: (319) 527-4994 ☎ 5) Structuring Accessible Forms | TPGi December 14th 2021 | 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 5PM GMT https://www.tpgi.com/webinar-december-14-at-12pm-et-structuring-accessible-forms/ 6) ADA Audio Conference Webinar Series | Accessible Technology on Smartphones & Tablets for Users that are Blind and Low Vision December 14th 2021 | 11AM PT, 12PM MT, 1PM CT, 2PM ET, 7PM GMT | The Great Lakes ADA Center in collaboration with the ADA National Network invites you to register for the upcoming ADA Audio Conference Webinar titled, "Accessible Technology on Smartphones & Tablets for users that are Blind and Low Vision", featuring Michael McCulloch, President, iBug, Sandhya Rao, Vice President of Training and Special Event, iBug, and Harshid Trivedi, Android Insight Facilitator, iBUG. Join us for the first of two sessions highlighting accessible technology on smartphones and tablets for persons with disabilities. In this session our speakers will highlight mobile apps used by persons who are blind or have low vision. The session will include apps used for way finding, social media and more. The session will also explore built-in accessibility features of iOS and Android operating platforms. There will be time following the presentation for questions. Time: 2-3:30 PM ET (calculate the start time based on the time zone you will be connecting from). Format: Zoom Webinar Platform (closed captioning will be provided via Zoom and Stream Text link option). Cost: No Charge. Registration Required: Registration for this session can be found on the schedule page at http://www.ada-audio.org. If you do not have an account with our system you will be required to establish one before registering. Registration deadline: Monday, December 13, 2021. CEUs: Certificate of Attendance, ACTCP. Questions should be directed to: webinars at adaconferences.org ✉ 7) Structuring Accessible Forms | TPGi December 14th 2021 | 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 5PM GMT | Creating accessible forms is the science of constructing form fields that provide the correct name, role, and state through the data entry experience. In this webinar, we examine how to: Create and label form fields of different types. Group related form fields, like radio buttons. Mark form fields as required. Handle input errors. Verify data integrity. Through code examples and testing with a screen reader, you'll learn how to create form fields that work for all your users. Register today: https://www.tpgi.com/webinar-december-14-at-12pm-et-structuring-accessible-forms/ 8) JAWS: Maximizing the Experience for You and Your Students Part 2 | Access Ingenuity December 15th 2021 | 10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 6PM GMT | Although the JAWS screen reader is a powerful program that provides many features and support for many applications, some individuals do not like JAWS. Unfortunately, a lot of the time, this is from not knowing some of the available tools and features and not having JAWS or Windows configured to utilize JAWS to the fullest. Join Ian Ramos, and Zhi Huang from Access Ingenuity as they explain some ideal settings and ways to access JAWS features to improve your experience. Although this is a Part 2, you can still benefit even if you did not attend the previous session. We will quickly summarize the main points in Part 1. | Meeting ID: 839 0370 2793 | Passcode: 356314 | One tap mobile: +16699009128,,83903702793#,,,,*356314# US (San Jose) | Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) | Join the Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83903702793?pwd=QXZuNjdvelo4aVpMVnE5NUcxYnJ1dz09 9) Eyedaptic - Enhancing Vision to Revitalize Life | Free Training Webinars by Vispero December 16th 2021 2021 | 9AM PT, 10AM MT, 11AM CT, 12PM ET, 5PM GMT | Join Mike Wood and Brian Schleiger, Eyedaptic Sales Manager, on Thursday, December 16, 2021, for an introduction to the Eyedaptic EYE3 glasses for AMD and other retinal disorders. The EYE3 glasses are fully self-contained Augmented Reality glasses that simulate natural vision and optimizes the user's functional peripheral vision. These state-of-the-art glasses can revitalize a user's quality of life. They are customized and adapt to users' needs as their vision changes. Key Features: Autonomous user interface with multiple viewing modes including auto-zoom and automatic image stabilization. Contrast modes plus Britext edge enhancement. Hot swappable batteries for extended run time. Magnification up to 10x. Patented Hybrid See Through system. Light weight and more comfortable than the EYE2. Register for this webinar to learn more about the Eyedaptic EYE3: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_vP1Q_nwLRBC9P6qq1xwGbA 10) BlindShell Cell Phone Demonstration December 18th 2021 | 7AM PT, 8AM MT, 9AM CT, 10AM ET, 3PM GMT | On Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 10:00 AM Eastern the Computer Science & Technology Division of the NFB of SC will have representatives from Matapo to give us a demonstration on the BlindShell cell phone! This presentation will take place on the Federation Zoom platform. | Meeting ID: 803 254 3777 | Passcode: 124578 | One tap mobile: +19292056099,,8032543777# US (New York). Join at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8032543777?pwd=QTVQd2RzN3l6QnNmZ0FmSnp6NG8vQT09 11) Shopping With JAWS and Windows | Access Ingenuity December 22nd 2021 | 10AM PT, 11AM MT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET, 6PM GMT | It's the holidays! You might still be looking for a last-minute gift. Perhaps you just want to know how a competent screen reader user would search for specific items. Join Ian Ramos and Zhi Huang from Access Ingenuity as they use many of the web browsing tips previously introduced to go shopping on a PC using JAWS. | Meeting ID: 832 9367 4055 | Passcode: 291237 | One tap mobile: +16699009128,,83293674055#,,,,*291237# US (San Jose) | Dial by your location: +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83293674055?pwd=Z2ZkNlpKK2liTWpDWmlOd2lDMkFQQT09 12) ATHEN (Access Technology Higher Education Network) 1st Annual "Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) Accessibility: Starting with Math" February 10th 2022 and February 11th 2022 | This virtual conference will take place on February 10th and 11th 2022. We are striving to create a diverse conference where experts can share their best practices, solutions, techniques, etc. for accessing and creating accessible STEM content in higher education. Join us! | Call for Proposal (Google Form) (Open now!) | Brush up by taking a sneak peek into the complexities in creating accessible STEM content in the YouTube video "Factors Involved in Making STEM Content Accessible" (10-minutes). | Conference Details, Dates, Registration, Cost:. https://athenpro.org/content/athen-virtual-conference 13) Axe-Con 2022 March 15th 2022 through March 17th 2022 | Axe-con is an open and inclusive digital accessibility conference that welcomes developers, designers, business users, and accessibility professionals of all experience levels to a new kind of accessibility conference focused on building, testing, and maintaining accessible digital experiences. Register for Axe-Con 2022, it's free! Join us for this three-day, multi-track conference to help further your digital accessibility efforts. Hear from the top experts in the field, for your area of interest with none of the noise. Learn more about why you should attend or get started by saving your seat by registering now: https://www.deque.com/axe-con/ ➜ Directories 1) Top Tech Tidbits Blind And Visually Impaired Listserv Directory https://www.toptechtidbits.com/blind-and-visually-impaired-technology-listserv-directory.html 2) Top Tech Tidbits Blind And Visually Impaired Podcast Directory https://www.toptechtidbits.com/blind-and-visually-impaired-technology-podcast-directory.html 3) Top Tech Tidbits Blind And Visually Impaired Game Directory https://www.toptechtidbits.com/blind-and-visually-impaired-technology-game-directory.html ➜ Buy, Sell or Trade 1) FOR SALE: One Humanware Braillenote Touch Plus 32 + Accessories Listing Date: 11/25/2021 | Price: $2750.00 USD | Condition: Gently used. | Description: Like new. This Humanware Braillenote Touch Plus 32 just hasn't been used much, so selling for half price to a good home. It has it's accessories and is probably the best known notetaker / computer for the blind that can also be used as a 32 cell Braille display. | Contact: Joe via Email JS5lio021 at gmail.com ✉ or (425) 298-6834 ☎. | 2) FOR SALE: One Buy, Sell or Trade Classified Ad (Just like this one.) Price: $5.00 USD | Description: List your new, gently-used or refurbished item in FOUR (4) consecutive issues of Top Tech Tidbits for just $5.00 USD. | Buy an Ad: Fill out this short 10-step form ✔ to secure your Buy, Sell or Trade Classified Advertisement today. | Learn more at: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/buy-sell-trade.html 🌐 | Top Tech Tidbits Sponsor Classified Ads: Sponsor: HIMS, Inc. ➜ Order Now! Get The Most Powerful Android Notetaker Available, the BrailleSense 6 From HIMS. It's Simply The Best. The time is now to get your all-new BrailleSense 6 notetaker, the most powerful and user-friendly notetaker on the market. Running Android 10, with 128 GB of Storage, 6 GB of Memory, and an 8-Core CPU, the BrailleSense 6 is the ultimate braille notetaker. Learn more today at: https://hims-inc.com/product/braillesense-6/ Sponsor Since: September 30th 2021 Website: https://hims-inc.com/ 🌐 Shop All Products: https://hims-inc.com/shop-all-products/ 🛒 Phone: (512) 837-2000 ☎ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5R9NjA1nfWo Sales Email: sales at hims-inc.com ✉ Support Email: support at hims-inc.com ✉ About: HIMS, Inc. is a global manufacturer and distributor that has provided braille, magnification and accessible healthcare devices since 1999. Sponsor: Blind Mice Mega Mall ➜ Dannyboy Portable Smart Phone & Device Stand Save 20% Now $39.99 The DannyBoy Portable Stand holds your Smart Phone stationary so it's camera can view items and documents clearly providing stability for excellent recognition & clarity. Take perfect pictures and scan images. Read documents quickly and easily. Great for anyone with motor disabilities, too! Made with the Blind In Mind! Lightweight & Portable. Ready To Use or Collapses In Seconds. Read All About the DannyBoy Portable Stand at Dannyboy.com in BlindMiceMegaMall.com at: https://www.blindmicemegamall.com/bmm/shop/Item_Detail?itemid=5156439 Sponsor Since: September 23rd 2021 Website: https://www.blindmicemegamall.com/ 🌐 Blind Mice Order Center Phone: (866) 922-8877 ☎ Blind Mice Order Center Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM CST/CDT (GMT-5) Monday through Friday Mall Directory of Stores: https://www.blindmicemegamall.com/bmm/shop/Directory 🛒 Join The Today's Cheese Newsletter: Join the Today's Cheese newsletter to get Members' Only sales & Unadvertised Specials from the merchants at Blind Mice Mega Mall. You can save money with these unadvertised specials! Send an email to: TodaysCheese+Subscribe at Groups.io ✉ Blind Mice Swap Shop: Sell, Swap, and Buy. The Mice receive calls everyday asking if we buy or sell used or unwanted items. The Mice don't sell used products but to help our members, we created the Blind Mice Swap Shop! The Blind Mice Swap Shop is the place for Sellers, Traders, & Buyers to find each other! Do you ... have something you don't want anymore... Post it for sale on the Blind Mice Swap Shop. Got something you just don't use... Post it for sale on the Blind Mice Swap Shop. Got something new to sell... Post it for sale on the Blind Mice Swap Shop. Provide a service that might be helpful to other Blind and Visually Impaired folks... Post it to the Blind Mice Swap Shop. Have an announcement about an upcoming event beneficial to the Blind & Visually Impaired Community... Post it to the Blind Mice Swap Shop. Joining the Blind Mice Swap Shop is free and as easy as sending an email to: BlindMiceSwapShop+Subscribe at Groups.io ✉ About: Welcome to Blind Mice Mega Mall! The Mall with the Blind In Mind! Blind Mice Mega Mall is designed for use with a screen reader and low vision software for visually impaired shoppers. Each store is an independent business owned / managed by a member of the Blind / Low Vision Community. Please browse & shop the merchants at Blind Mice Mega Mall. You will find great items and unique offerings from our merchants. You help the Blind Community every time you make a purchase from any of the merchants at Blind Mice Mega Mall. Every purchase made at Blind Mice Mega Mall gives back to the Blind and Visually Impaired Community. Proceeds from sales fund the MouseHole Scholarship Program, the Cooking In The Dark Show and The Movie Vault. Blind Mice Mega Mall accepts American Express, Discover, Mastercard, Visa, PayPal, Checks, and Money Orders. Purchase Orders From State Agencies are also welcome. Sponsor: Carroll Center for the Blind ➜ Don't Miss the Virtual Technology Fair for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired The Virtual Technology Fair, hosted by the Carroll Center for the Blind, is back to connect you with innovative technology that can transform the lives of people who are blind or have low vision. Supercharge your independence from the comfort of your living room, office, or anywhere you can log on. Attend exciting presentations, meet with exhibitors of cutting-edge assistive technology, and find the products and services you need to live as independently as possible. Register for free at: https://bit.ly/3vBaUk2 Sponsor Since: August 5th 2021 Website: https://carroll.org/ 🌐 Phone: (617) 969-6200 ☎ Fax: (617) 969-6204 ░ Shop: https://carroll.org/store/ 🛒 Donate: https://carroll.org/donate ❤ Social: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn | Instagram About: The Carroll Center for the Blind is the foremost leader in vision rehabilitation services for individuals confronted by the challenges of vision loss. Our mission is to empower those who are blind or visually impaired to achieve independence and to lead a fulfilling life. Established in 1936, the renowned Carroll Center for the Blind has been serving those with vision impairment for over eight decades; we are known nationally as a premier Vision Rehabilitation Center. Located just outside of Boston on a sprawling campus in Newton, Massachusetts, we proudly serve ALL ages and ALL stages of vision loss. With the ongoing promise of improving the lives of people with vision-related problems, The Carroll Center for the Blind has pioneered many innovative services allowing people who are blind or have low vision to learn the skills to be independent in their homes, in class settings, and in their work places. Our services include vision rehabilitation, vocational and transition programs, assistive technology training, educational support, and recreation opportunities for individuals who are visually impaired of all ages. For over 80 years, the expertise of Carroll Center staff has provided help for thousands of blind and visually impaired persons with diverse opportunities for success and independent living. Sponsor: Pneuma Solutions ➜ Give the Gift of Equal Access! This holiday season, give the gift of access to the world's most fundamental right, the right to information. Scribe for Personal Documents is a cloud based service that takes previously inaccessible digital material and renders it into accessible formats in seconds. Help out someone in your life whom you know could use the access, or secure the access for yourself here: https://scribeit.io/ Sponsor Since: June 3rd 2021 Website: https://pneumasolutions.com/ 🌐 Email Newsletter: Click here to receive periodic news via email concerning Pneuma Solutions products for business, consumers and education. Sales: (866) 202-0520 ☎ Support: (650) 249-1000 ☎ About: Backed by two decades of creating award-winning accessible cloud technologies for people with visual impairments, Pneuma Solutions is the global leader in accessible cloud-based solutions. Pneuma Solutions was founded by long-time accessibility developers Mike Calvo and Matt Campbell. For more information on their individual profiles, click on their respective bio pages. We're proud to be the first company to develop cloud-based accessibility at the network level. Our tools provide organizations, like yours, a way to deliver secure, accessible information right from your network or from our secure servers. You can provide your print disabled consumers, students, employees, and citizens with a multitude of accessible options. Additionally, we offer a suite of cloud-based applications to blind and print disabled consumers directly from our website. Our consumer products are designed to make the day-to-day lives of blind and print disabled individuals more accessible and simpler to manage. Access to information is not a privilege, it's a right. It's also your right to obtain affordable, accessible cloud solutions to serve your end user. When organizations like yours implement our tools, together we help make it a more inclusive world for people with disabilities. Want to know more about how we can help you become more inclusive? Contact us here. We'll be happy to discuss how our tools can help with your accessibility needs. Sponsor: Freedom Scientific ➜ Freedom Scientific Focus Blue 5th Generation Refreshable Braille Displays Our world-class refreshable Braille displays deliver efficient Braille input and outstanding output for your PC or mobile device. The robust Bluetooth® connectivity provides seamless use with Windows®, Mac®, iPhones®, iPads®, and AndroidTM smartphones and tablets. Ergonomic navigation features allow quick, natural hand movements for greater productivity. When used with JAWS® screen reading software, they support our popular Braille Study Mode, an interactive tool for teaching and learning Braille. Learn more today: https://www.freedomscientific.com/products/blindness/focus-blue-family/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=Top%20Tech%20Tidbit Sponsor Since: April 15th 2021 Website: https://www.freedomscientific.com/ 🌐 Email: info at vispero.com ✉ Phone: (800) 444-4443 ☎ Facebook | Twitter | YouTube (Training) About: Freedom Scientific, a Vispero brand, is a leading worldwide brand of assistive technology products for those with vision impairments. We offer products designed to promote independence, allowing blind and low vision individuals the same access to information as their sighted peers. World-renowned JAWS (Job Access With Speech) screen reading software and ZoomText screen magnification software provide users the independence and ability to seek education and obtain or maintain a career after vision loss. Our expansive product line includes both low vision and blindness technology for all aspects of daily living. The wide range of RUBY, TOPAZ, and ONYX desktop and portable video magnifiers are designed for their ease of use and assist with daily activities. Our impressive line of blindness hardware products include refreshable Braille displays and scanning and reading devices, offering many options tailored to fit individual needs. Sponsor: APH ConnectCenter ➜ VisionAware Resources: The Reader's Digest Getting Started Guide to Vision Loss APHConnectCenter has resources to help blind and low vision people thrive.?Share the Reader's Digest Getting Started with Vision Loss Guide with people who need to know about living with vision loss. https://visionaware.org/ Sponsor Since: March 4th 2021 Website: https://aphconnectcenter.org/ 🌐 Email: connectcenter at aph.org ✉ APH ConnectCenter Information and Referral Line: (800) 232-5463 ☎ Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM ET Facebook (CareerConnect) | Facebook (FamilyConnect) | Facebook (VisionAware) | Twitter | YouTube About: The APH ConnectCenter offers curated advice and resources to assist children, parents, adults, and job seekers who are blind or visually impaired, and their associated professionals, leading to greater independence and success in their lives. Sponsor: Humanware ➜ BRAILLIANT Renewed! The NEW Brailliant BI X Series is here! The wait is over! A redefined family of Brailliant refreshable Braille displays has arrived! The NEW Brailliant BI X Series will help you stay connected, download books from many participating online libraries and share information easily with your peers. You will enjoy the intuitive, seamless user experience of KeySoft Lite, the HumanWare flagship accessibility suite designed to make you more productive. Including the Brailliant BI 40X and the Brailliant BI 20X, this is the Brailliant idea you need! http://www.humanware.ca/web/en/newsletter/120920211100-BrailliantBIX-Launch-US.htm Sponsor Since: February 4th 2021 Website: http://humanware.com/ 🌐 Phone (Asia): +61 2 9686 2600 ☎ Phone (Australia): +61 2 9686 2600 ☎ Phone (Canada): +1 888 723-7273 ☎ Phone (Europe): +44 1933 415 800 ☎ Phone (International): +44 1933 415 800 ☎ Phone (Ireland): +01 8307033 ☎ Phone (New Zealand): +027 700 1674 ☎ Phone (United Kingdom): +01933 415800 ☎ Phone (United States): +1 800 722-3393 ☎ YouTube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRWVYiggn-w 🎥 About: HumanWare is the global leader in assistive technology for people who are blind or have low vision. HumanWare offers a wide range of innovative products, including the BrailleNote Touch, first Google certified braille tablet, the iOS compatible Brailliant braille displays, Victor Reader®, the world's leading family of digital audiobook players, the unique Prodigi® family of desktop and portable vision and reading systems, and the ultra-portable explore line of electronic handheld magnifier. Sponsor: LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store ➜ LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Adaptations Online Store Featured Products Revolution Cane Tip: Standard Roller Tip: $14.50 | Locator Dots: Small Pack of 6 (Clear or Orange): $2.00 | NFB Metal Cane Tip: $3.00 | TMAP - On Demand Tactile Street | Map (set of two maps): $25.00 | Ambutech Aluminum Folding Cane: $35.00 | NFB Chris Park Telescoping Cane: $45.00 | BoldWriter 20 Pen (Individual or 6-pack): $2.00 | Bump Dots: Mixed (50 count): $7.00 | Braille Apple Catalina VoiceOver Guide OSX 10.15 (3 volumes) - Latest Manual: $52.00 | SpeedDots iPhone Tactile Screen Protector, Phone Layout: $12.00 | NFB Chris Park 7-Piece Folding Cane: $50.00 | Visit https://adaptations.org/ to learn more today! Sponsor Since: October 1, 2020 Website: https://adaptations.org/ 🌐 Toll Free: (888) 400-8933 ☎ Local: (415) 694-7301 ☎ About: Founded in 1902, San Francisco's LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired promotes the independence, equality and self-reliance of people who are blind or have low vision. Adaptations is your online go-to for tools, technology, and accessible solutions for blind and visually impaired people. Sponsor: American Printing House (APH) ➜ Coding is Easy and Accessible with Colby the Code & Go Robot Mouse Code & Go Mouse introduces coding concepts and tactile graphics as users program Colby to race through a maze toward the cheese. Colby lights-up, makes sounds, and features two speeds along with colorful buttons for easy programming and sequencing. https://www.aph.org/product/accessible-code-and-go-mouse/ Sponsor Since: July 2nd 2020 Website: https://www.aph.org/ 🌐 Toll Free and Customer Support: (800) 223-1839 ☎ Phone: (512) 895-2405 ☎ Fax: (512) 899-2284 ░ YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/WENRlCNDsxQ 🎥 Free Apps & Actions from APH: https://www.aph.org/free-apps-from-aph/ 📱 About: Since 1858, the American Printing House for the Blind has operated in Louisville, Kentucky as the world's largest nonprofit organization, creating accessible learning experiences through educational, workplace, and independent living products and services for people who are blind and visually impaired. APH believes that the future belongs to everyone. By offering innovative products and services, APH opens up a door of opportunities for lifelong independence and success. Sponsor: Barry Scheur ➜ GuideLights And Gadgets (1) Talking medical bundles through end of the year; $150 for 3 items; $100 for two items - incl. shipping. Mystic Access now carries these. (2) New rugged leather 20 cell protective Braille cases for any unit2 easy and comfortable for work when it's in the case; gun case for which we found a better use; why pay over $100 instead of $80 9cl. shipping. (3) RFID full zip around wallet $20 through year end. (4) Buy a 10 pack of our leather squeezy storage pouches for $35.00, great for stocking stuffers. (5) Lots of new hand free neck pouch styles, $20- $40. (6) Air induction and other exciting new headphone choices. For more info, call Barry at (617) 969-7500 ☎ or email him at barry.scheur at gmail.com ✉. Director, http://www.GuideLightsAndGadgets.us Sponsor Since: June 25th 2020 Website: http://www.guidelightsandgadgets.us/ 🌐 For Gadgets and Leather Contact Barry at: Phone: (617) 969-7500 ☎ Email: bscheur.gadgetsandtech at gmail.com ✉ For All Things Dog Contact Kae at: Phone: (781) 286-1696 ☎ Email: guidelightdogs at gmail.com ✉ About: Our Scope of Products: We specialize in 3 lines of products, all intended to assist in access to adaptive electronics, enhance experiences for guide dog teams, and offer practical solutions for organization and travel with a variety of leather bags, pouches, and backpacks. Then there are the random products that are included, just for fun! We enjoy working with our customers 1-on-1 to their money is well spent and not wasted on something they may not use. In thinking about our customers and whether we will carry a product our guiding motto is that it must be: practical, affordable, simple, tested, and accessible (the pasta principle) and it seems to work very well. What We Do: We bring our business either via zoom, phone, or to your conference or convention, to give each customer a chance for questions and where possible, "hands on" evaluation of the merchandise. Kae and I test and use each product as blind users before we put it in our catalog. In the case of products for guide and service dogs, our own three guides, Thor, Debra and Melody, are engaged in the process of evaluating the usefulness, durability, and/or fun of the product. We want each of our products to be useful, accessible, afforable, and, whenever possible, fun! Our inventory is constantly changing, so a visit to us is never the same experience twice! Sponsor: A. T. Guys ➜ Plugable USB-C 7-in-1 Hub If you're like me, you probably have more things to plug into your computer than available ports. That's why we've now added the Plugable USB-C 7-in-1 Hub. Plug it into your laptop and you will get 3 USB ports, SD and Micro SD card slots, a USBC charging port, and an HDMI video port. It's available now for just $29.95: https://www.atguys.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=28&products_id=331 Sponsor Since: June 11th 2020 Website: https://www.atguys.com/ 🌐 Phone: (269) 216-4798 ☎ Email: support at atguys.com ✉ Skype: atguys ✆ Twitter: https://twitter.com/atguys (@atguys) ✍ Facebook: https://facebook.com/atguys ✍ About: ATGuys.com. Your access technology experts, home for cool gadgets, accessories, and more. Our products are all tested to work great for blind and visually impaired users but also work just as well for anyone. If there's an item you're looking for, or if you have a question, please don't hesitate to send us a message or call (269) 216-4798 ☎. Your Name Here 1 of 12 Sponsorship Packages currently available. Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday is a leading, not-for-profit Adaptive Technology publication that reaches over 6,500 Adaptive Technology professionals, educators and enthusiasts each week. Top Tech Tidbits offers a total of 12 Sponsorship Packages which are used to support the ongoing distribution of the publication. There are 1 of 12 packages currently available. If you would like to become a Top Tech Tidbits Sponsor, but there are no sponsorship packages currently available, we encourage you to join our waiting list by sending an email to: sponsorships at toptechtidbits.com ✉. Once you have joined our waiting list we will notify you the next time a current sponsor decides not to renew. You will then have 72 hours to secure your sponsorship before it is offered to the next sponsor on the list. When available you can secure one of these packages for just $325.00 USD for the next 3 months, or save $100.00 USD and join us for the year. All Sponsorship Packages are offered on a first-come, first serve basis. Please help us to support the ongoing distribution of this publication. Consider showing your support for the world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in adaptive technology while enjoying these incredible benefits. Learn more today at: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/sponsorship-information.html. Top Tech Tidbits Supporters: We couldn't do it without you! Thank for your support! Tidbits Supporters donate an amount of their choosing on an annual basis in order to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Top Tech Tidbits publication. If you would like to become a Tidbits Supporter by making a small annual donation to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Top Tech Tidbits publication, we offer the following options with our sincerest thanks, and most heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support. In tandem with Our Sponsors, these are the people that make the ongoing distribution of Tidbits possible: Platinum Supporters: Become a Tidbits Supporter today. 1.) Gary Lee Platinum Supporter since June 25, 2020 2.) Anonymous Donation Platinum Supporter since July 9, 2020 3.) Pshon Barrett Platinum Supporter since January 28, 2021 Gold Supporters: Become a Tidbits Supporter today. 1.) Howard Goldstein Gold Supporter since June 4, 2020 2.) David Goldstein Gold Supporter since June 12, 2020 3.) Katherine Crohan Gold Supporter since January 14, 2021 Silver Supporters: Become a Tidbits Supporter today. 1.) Your name here. Help support Tidbits today. Bronze Supporters: Become a Tidbits Supporter today. 1.) Steven Wettlaufer Bronze Supporter since July 16, 2020 Top Tech Tidbits Subscription Information: ABOUT: Founded in 2004, Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday is a leading not-for-profit Adaptive Technology publication that reaches over 6,800 assistive technology professionals, educators and enthusiasts each week. Sign up here. Review the archive here. Adaptive Technology refers to items that are specifically designed for people with disabilities. Adaptive Technology is a subset of Assistive Technology. Adaptive Technology often refers specifically to electronic and information technology access. Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday is a Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication. Publisher: Aaron Di Blasi. Contributing Editors: John Hanlin, Jenna Lang, Stephen (Alex) Marositz, and Ben Moxey. Top Tech Tidbits is a sponsor and reader supported publication. RELEASE SCHEDULE: Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday is sent out every Thursday morning at 4:00 AM EST / EDT. SUBSCRIBE: Do you, a friend, or colleague wish to receive the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Email Newsletter? If so, please use or pass along our CAPTCHA-free sign-up link, which is: https://toptechtidbits.com/subscribe. You can also subscribe to receive the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Email Newsletter on the Top Tech Tidbits Website at: https://www.toptechtidbits.com or by (SMS) texting "TOPTECHTIDBITS" to 22828. Any of these methods will provide you with an accessibly friendly and secure medium through which you can subscribe to our mailing list. Just enter your email address, click send, and begin receiving the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Email Newsletter. It's that easy. SPONSOR: If you would like to become 1 of only 12 Tidbits Sponsors whose annual support makes the distribution of Top Tech Tidbits possible, we offer you the following benefits, with our sincerest thanks, and most heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/sponsorship-information.html. SUPPORT: If you would like to become a Tidbits Supporter by making a small annual donation to assist with the ongoing distribution of the Top Tech Tidbits publication, we offer the following options, with our sincerest thanks, and most heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/donate.html. WEBSITE: Visit the Top Tech Tidbits website online at https://www.toptechtidbits.com. FACEBOOK: Are you on Facebook? Stop by and "Like" Top Tech Tidbits to begin receiving current news and trends in Adaptive Technology as part of your Facebook News Feed: https://toptechtidbits.com/facebook. TWITTER: Are you on Twitter? Follow Top Tech Tidbits to begin receiving current news and trends in Adaptive Technology as part of your Twitter News Feed: https://toptechtidbits.com/twitter. LINKEDIN: Are you on LinkedIn? Follow Top Tech Tidbits to begin receiving current news and trends in Adaptive Technology as part of your LinkedIn News Feed: https://toptechtidbits.com/linkedin. YOUTUBE: Are you on YouTube? Follow Top Tech Tidbits to begin receiving current news and trends in Adaptive Technology as part of your YouTube Video Feed: https://toptechtidbits.com/youtube. RSS: Do you prefer RSS? Follow Top Tech Tidbits via RSS today to begin receiving current news and trends in Adaptive Technology using your choice of news aggregator: https://feeds.feedblitz.com/toptechtidbits. QUESTIONS: Tidbits are intentionally concise. As a result we know that some readers may not always understand all of the items listed because little explanation is given. If a particular Tidbit brings up a question in your mind, feel free to ask, and we will try to answer as time and knowledge permit. ARCHIVE Visit the Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday Email Newsletter Archive at: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/archive.html where you can grab back issues. CONTENT CONTRIBUTORS: Any information for future issues of Top Tech Tidbits may be submitted online via our Top Tech Tidbit Submission Form at: https://www.toptechtidbits.com/submit-tidbit or directed to our Editors at: editor at toptechtidbits.com. Information provided by: Top Tech Tidbits A Mind Vault Solutions, Ltd. Publication https://www.toptechtidbits.com/ 🌐 1420 Golden Gate Blvd. Mayfield Heights, Ohio 44124 (440) 442-9011 ☎ Top Tech Tidbits | 1420 Golden Gate Blvd, Mayfield Heights, OH 44124 Unsubscribe electronics-talk at nfbnet.org Update Profile | Our Privacy Policy | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by enews at toptechtidbits.com
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