[NJTechDiv] Apple's "Far Out" Event

Andy guitarwizandy at optonline.net
Thu Sep 8 15:53:27 UTC 2022

Hey Everyone!
Here are several resources that you might find useful about Apple's "Far Out" event that was held yesterday.

First, Jonathan Mosen put together an excellent episode <https://mosen.org/episode-196-apples-far-out-event-from-a-blindness-perspective/> of his podcast discussing the event, describing many aspects of it.  The above link will take you to a webpage that has a web player, but your podcast client will pick it up also as episode 196 if you search for his podcast, Mosen At Large.  As of right now, there is not a text transcript available, however these are published a few hours after the podcast, so if you check the page in a few hours you will likely find one.

Another resource is an excellent TechCrunch article.  They've put together a summary <https://techcrunch.com/2022/09/07/heres-everything-apple-announced-today-at-its-far-out-iphone-event/?tpcc=tcplustwitter&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90LmNvLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANoJu1nqugCYYsQoqDocALtFvW7z5O-Lv4p4nYdpq4SWPQzgxatVXQFLq3uTc5teYf3MDuX1SpzSB9CesQkpxfXXwR2A-dMgZmvtkBbuP7KVMzIrtg9tAn2DY_cC_2b86I4UFscvkfLJBa5-CBDHDH1dlu0XpQAtdimQsuTp5t1T> of everything announced at the event.

AppleVis has two resources: they've put together a great podcast <https://www.applevis.com/podcasts/applevis-extra-88-post-discussion-apple-far-out-event> about the event, and an article <https://www.applevis.com/blog/apples-far-out-event-iphone-14-new-airpods-new-apple-watches> about the event.

Finally, if you missed the event and wish to watch it, you can find it on YouTube. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux6zXguiqxM>

Have fun!
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