[NJTechDiv] considering Apple Watch

Serena Cucco serena.c.cucco at gmail.com
Wed Feb 8 03:26:35 UTC 2023

Hi all,

I'm considering purchasing an Apple watch to monitor my morning heart
rate.  I have a Fitbit, but the watch itself isn't accessible.  Yesterday,
my Fitbit wouldn't sync with my phone.  A dialogue came up on my phone,
"Couldn't sync your Charge 2.  Fix it button."  I double tapped on it,
hoping to hear an error message about why the Fitbit couldn't sync.  There
was no info about what was wrong.  I figured restarting the Fitbit would
help.  When I asked my mom to tell me when the Fitbit logo came back on
while held the button down, she saw that my Fitbit battery was critically
low!  VoiceOver had no way to tell me this. :-(  I presume VoiceOver on the
Apple Watch has an accessible "low battery" indication?  Since I only need
a smartwatch to monitor my heart rate, I'm not sure I need the latest Apple
watch.  I probably just need one that's compatible with my iPhone.  I have
an iPhone SE 2nd generation.  Any recommendations of which Apple watch I
might want to get?

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