[NJTechDiv] pure support

Mario Brusco mrb620 at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 24 15:44:47 UTC 2024

Joseph, from your initial posting, what does "pure support" mean? Please 

-------- Original Message --------
From: Joseph Hudson via NJTechDiv <njtechdiv at nfbnet.org
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2024 at 8:28 PM EST
To: New Jersey Technology Division List <njtechdiv at nfbnet.org
Cc: Joseph Hudson <jhud7789 at outlook.com
Subject: RE: [NJTechDiv] NJTechDiv Digest, Vol 160, Issue 8

Hey, you're welcome. Unfortunately, the person that she referred me to 
was working with a brand a phone that I don't use. I do use android, but 
Sam Sam is a whole different animal . so when you guys want to refer 
somebody to me, please, let's double check and see what the person is 
using. And you can do that by either call me or reaching out to me to 
get email.

  On Nov 18, 2024, at 6:00 AM, njtechdiv-request at nfbnet.org wrote:

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  Today's Topics:

     1. Referral from the New Jersey technical division (Joseph Hudson)
     2. Re: Referral from the New Jersey technical division
        (Janie Degenshein Woo Hoo)


  Message: 1
  Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 01:34:34 +0000
  From: Joseph Hudson <jhud7789 at outlook.com
  To: New Jersey Technology Division List <njtechdiv at nfbnet.org
  Subject: [NJTechDiv] Referral from the New Jersey technical division
  Message-ID: <AEEB2257-6BE0-4B80-AC0B-3E032A7F7A6A at outlook.com
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

  Hello guys, I got a call from my lady who does pure support in New 
Jersey, and I wanted to thank you guys for still thinking about me, and 
sending clients my way. I'm definitely looking forward to working with 
the client that she has hopefully going to get in contact with me soon. 
And just wanted to let y'all know that my services are still available. 
It's been quite some time since I've been a part of your guises list 
that I felt that I shall come back I unsubscribe for a while, because I 
was just getting overwhelmed on messages, but I'm definitely glad to be 
back. And must definitely think to the president of this committee. 
referred to me by you guys and I'm just wanted you guys to let me.


  Message: 2
  Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2024 23:42:52 -0500
  From: Janie Degenshein Woo Hoo <jdegen16 at comcast.net
  To: New Jersey Technology Division List <njtechdiv at nfbnet.org
  Subject: Re: [NJTechDiv] Referral from the New Jersey technical
<Ctb9ttZXe2OGKCtbAtXiij.1731904973.6753ac377235b0a58def81cb61c9a6c5.MISSINGID at comcast.net
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

  Your info and willingness to assist others is to be commended my friend
  Glad you are back with us
  Janie Degenshein

  From: Joseph Hudson via NJTechDiv
  Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2024 8:38 PM
  To: New Jersey Technology Division List
  Cc: Joseph Hudson
  Subject: [NJTechDiv] Referral from the New Jersey technical division

  Hello guys, I got a call from my lady who does pure support in New 
Jersey, and I wanted to thank you guys for still thinking about me, and 
sending clients my way. I'm definitely looking forward to working with 
the client that she has hopefully going to get in contact with me soon. 
And just wanted to let y'all know that my services are still available. 
It's been quite some time since I've been a part of your guises list 
that I felt that I shall come back I unsubscribe for a while, because I 
was just getting overwhelmed on messages, but I'm definitely glad to be 
back. And must definitely think to the president of this committee. 
referred to me by you guys and I'm just wanted you guys to let me.
  NJTechDiv mailing list
  NJTechDiv at nfbnet.org
  To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for 

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