[NJTechDiv] Zoom audio

Beatrice Oliveti beatrice.oliveti at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 23:34:45 UTC 2025

Tracy, have you verified that your audio is on? Also sometimes meetings have
a thing you have to agree to that says the meeting is being recorded. 


From: NJTechDiv <njtechdiv-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Tracy Carcione
via NJTechDiv
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2025 8:36 AM
To: 'New Jersey Technology Division List' <njtechdiv at nfbnet.org>
Cc: carcione at access.net
Subject: [NJTechDiv] Zoom audio


I attend various Zoom meetings every week.  Most go well, but sometimes Zoom
says my speaker is not working, which translates to me not being able to
hear anyone.  It's not true.  I hear Jaws fine.  It's something weird
happening in Zoom.  The only solution I've found is to sign out of Zoom and
get back in, and sometimes I have to do it twice before it works.  The 2
cases where it happened this week are classes where the teacher has to let
me in, so it's extra work for both the teacher and me.

Does anyone know why this might be happening, and is there any other
solution than signing out and in?



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