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<DIV> <FONT color=#000000 size=4>enjoy the overwhelming
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<DIV style="font-color: black"><B>From:</B> <A title=enews@flying-blind.com
href="mailto:enews@flying-blind.com">Flying Blind, LLC</A> </DIV>
<DIV><B>Sent:</B> Thursday, September 11, 2014 2:04 AM</DIV>
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<DIV><B>Subject:</B> Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, September 11, 2014 - Volume
<DIV> </DIV></DIV>
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face=Arial,Geneva,Helvetica,sans-serif>Top Tech Tidbits for Thursday, September
11, 2014 - Volume 474</FONT><BR>The Week's News in Adaptive Technology</P>
<P>A Flying Blind, LLC Publication<BR><A
<P>You are receiving this email from Flying Blind, LLC because you subscribed to
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Flying Blind, LLC Publications please add <A
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<P>Read this Volume of Top Tech Tidbits on the web at: <A
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<P><!-- Product Begin --><A title="Item Number" name=RFBBNAPXQT32></A><B><!--*-->This Week's Featured Advertisement: One Gently
Used BrailleNote Apex 32 Cell Note Taker with QWERTY Style Keyboard for
$2,395.00 USD<!--*--></B><BR><BR><IMG
title="One Barely Used BrailleNote Apex 32 Cell Note Taker with QWERTY Style Keyboard for $2,395.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store"
alt="Photo of the BrailleNote Apex 32 Cell Note Taker with QWERTY Style Keyboard."
src="http://www.flying-blind.com/images/68.jpg" width=200 align=right
height=120> Flying Blind, LLC is pleased to offer one fortunate user a gently
used BrailleNote Apex 32 Cell Notetaker with QWERTY Style Keyboard for $2,395.00
USD. This unit has been used for approximately four months and is begging to be
used a whole lot more by one lucky recipient in the market for a notetaker line
that has withstood the test of time! This unit is in fantastic condition,
providing you with a $3,150.00 USD savings off of this unit's suggested list
price. The BrailleNote family of products has been setting standards for
intuitive, powerful, and portable information management for the past 14 years.
This sleek and robust solution provides endless possibilities and opportunities
for that one person wishing to give it a good home and benefit from its
countless uses! Free shipping within the 48 Continental United States. This is a
single unit that will be sold on a first come, first serve, basis. To be the
first to secure this unit, please use the Buy Now link below. For additional
questions, or to purchase this product offline, email <A
href="mailto:featured@flying-blind.com">featured@flying-blind.com</A> or call +1
(216) 381-8107 today.<BR><BR><B>Buy Now - One Barely Used BrailleNote Apex 32
Cell Note Taker with QWERTY Style Keyboard for $2,395.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC
Online Store</B><BR><A
title="Buy Now - One Barely Used BrailleNote Apex 32 Cell Note Taker with QWERTY Style Keyboard for $2,395.00 USD - Flying Blind, LLC Online Store"
<!-- Product End --></P><!-- ADVERTISEMENT BEGIN -->
<P>Dear Jane,</P><!-- Tidbits Begin -->
<P>1A) Much of the news this week pertains to things that are coming, but not
yet available. If you would like to read about the coming iOS8 release, the new
iPhone 6 and 6 plus, both of which are to come to North America next week, and
the Apple Watch, which comes down the road, you can read this blog post:<BR><A
Or listen to this podcast:<BR><A
<P>2A) Meanwhile, if you want to hear what's coming soon in JAWS Version 16,
four podcasts are waitng for you. FSCast 94 gives an overview:<BR><A
FSCast 95 talks about Command Search:<BR><A
FSCast 96 talks about the greatly-enhanced ability to read inaccessible PDF
And FSCast 97 talks about more features:<BR><A
<P>3) While I (Dean Martineau) was in the middle of writing Tidbit Number 2
above, the JAWS 16 public beta became available for anybody running JAWS 15 to
test; others can test it too in demo mode: <BR><A
<P>4) Moving on to material and features fully available now, NVDA version
2014.3 has now been released, with particular benefit for users of Microsoft
<P>5) The GPS App BlindSquare can now be integrated with the free App Transit to
provide bus route information. This podcast demonstrates how:<BR><A
<P>6) In case you aren't sure about how Twitter chats work, this older post
explains them:<BR><A
<P>7) Last week, we gave information about some podcasts on Windows Phone 8.1,
but the links did not work. This one should:<BR><A
<P>8) The Freshbooks accounting programs work well and are accessible under both
iOS and Android:<BR><A
<P>9) "The HTG Guide to Portable Bluetooth Speakers" might be worth a read given
that this is a definite growth area for products:<BR><A
<P>10) Speaking of such devices, this one might be handy for mostly voice
listening, and the price is good:<BR><A
<P>11) Learn about the long-promised Vario Ultra Braille devices from Baum on
Tek Talk on GMT Tuesday, 16 September at 00:00:<BR><A
<P>12) The next webinar from HIMS will be entitled "Ones and Tablets by
Combining with Assistive Technology," and will take place on Tuesday, 16
September at 19:00 GMT. Register here beforehand:<BR><A
<P>13) Students in some schools can get Microsoft Office 365 for free:<BR><A
<P>14) Here is one user's account of finding alternatives to Google
<P>15) Here are a wealth of podcasts from TechShare Europe thanks to Insight
Radio from RNIB:<BR><A
<P>16) Learn "How To Use The Bookmark Bar On The iPad And iPhone"<BR><A
<P>17) Does Mac speech using VoiceOver respond more slowly to keystrokes than
speech on other platforms? This download link to a demonstration makes the
<P>18) From RNIB comes one researcher's answer to the question: "How are digital
technologies affecting learning?"<BR><A
<P>19) Learn about "Working As a Research Oceanographer" on Eyes on Success
href="http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001tXqLn2F7AHwMveFoT7c8DrHkXjn0v1UAtKPvV_Ukknn8XrSDSFbk7eeTq1kxc6xqmw7EacFBHJRYces8MvojIq-jXK1rpiOpXkg3sbVjm541XztDiGmP2dgFMhLISjD2NHnSbZv3ht7GM3FsOZg-naqnpLyq08rBJR-MZ-s61vI5No54tLBcZg==&c=hpqFTxM1ZscDs5_x_4_aD57BhlL5G4YsjEZRAlwpmKjdmJp9Qy8cVA==&ch=aTdt3hChjqvPdFj2mPCkKAPX1Vfu4oZ6GlC4qrrc6H5sZ5AInrokMg==">http://www.eyesonsuccess.net/</A></P><!-- Tidbits End --><!-- Footer Begin -->***************************************
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<P><B>QUESTIONS</B>: Tidbits is intentionally concise, and we know a lot of
people may not understand some items because little explanation is given. If a
particular Tidbit brings up a question in your mind, feel free to ask, and we
will try to answer as time and knowledge permit.</P>
<P><B>ARCHIVE</B>: Visit the 2014 Tidbits Archive at: <A
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<P><B>CONTENT</B>: Any information for future issues of Top Tech Tidbits may be
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