[Nmabs] Pennies for Pages

Arielle Silverman nabs.president at gmail.com
Thu Nov 19 02:24:27 UTC 2009

Greetings to all members and friends of NABS,

I am writing to announce and solicit assistance for an exciting new
fundraising effort we are currently undertaking. The fundraiser is Pennies
for Pages, and is being run in conjunction with the NFB's Braille Readers
are Leaders program. We believe that this fundraiser has a lot of potential.
However, in order to realize this potential, we need help from all of you!

The idea is this. Students, or anybody else who is interested in helping to
raise money for Braille literacy and our national student division, can sign
up to participate in the Braille Readers are Leaders program and then
solicit donations from friends, family, or anybody really, for Braille pages
read throughout the duration of the contest. Of course, donations of fixed
sums are also gratefully accepted.

If you are already participating in the Braille Readers are Leaders contest,
you can simply find people to sponsor you for each page you read. If you are
not yet signed up for the contest, no worries! The reading contest runs
through January 4th, and registration can be submitted up until that point.
It is by no means too late to get started! As an added incentive, NABS will
be offering a $50 Amazon.com gift card to the participant who raises the
most money.

Donated funds can be accepted in cash or as checks made out to the National
Association of Blind Students and can be given to our Treasurer, Nijat
Worley, either in person at Washington Seminar or sent via postal mail.

If you wish to participate or have any questions at all about the plan,
please contact me (Sean Whalen) at either 608-332-4147 or
smwhalenpsp at gmail.com. I will be compiling the list of participants and
would be happy to answer any questions which anybody might have.

Half of any money we raise through this effort will go to the NFB to support
Braille literacy programs and the other half will go to NABS.

We all look forward to working together to raise money for and promote
Braille literacy!


Sean Whalen

Arielle Silverman
President, National Association of Blind Students
Phone:  602-502-2255
nabs.president at gmail.com

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