[Nmabs] Minutes from last night's meeting.

NMABS President nmabs.president at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 03:24:08 UTC 2010

New Mexico Association of Blind Students meeting minutes for 8/15/2010

Meeting comes to order at 7:05 PM.

Roll call of members:

Tara Sena

Chris Chavez

Brianne Kotschwar

Josh Brownell

Michael Postlethwait

Amanda Youngblood

Monica Martinez

Introduction of guests: no guests

Minutes from previous meeting: Brianne moved, Michael seconded, motion
carries, minutes approved as read.

Treasurer's report: We had a previous balance of $764.53 with a withdrawal
of $2.68 in state sales tax, a deposit of $37.00 for a current balance of
$798.85 as of today 8/15/2010.

Michael Moved, Amanda seconded, motion carries, treasurer's report approved
as read.

Announcements: The next NFB of Albuquerque chapter meeting is Tuesday August
17, 2010 from 6:00-8:00 PM at Shonies restaurant at 6810 Menaul Blvd. NE. on
the Southeast corner of Menaul and Louisiana.

The state fair parade will be on September 11, 2010. We will have a bus from
Coronado mall which will leave at 7:00 AM to take us to the fair grounds.

There is going to be a state fundraiser on October 29, 2010, Tara will get
the information out as she receives it.

The white cane luncheon is October 16, at the Hilton: 1901 University Blvd.
NE. on the southwest corner of University and Menaul. Please vote for what
you want to eat at the luncheon by sending Tonia Trapp an email by Tuesday,
majority picks what we have. Tonia's email address is:
tonialeigh513 at earthlink.net.

Disability Awareness day is coming up in October. This is a chance for us to
show people what's it like being blind and using a cane. It will either be
October first or eighth. Any preference? Let Tara know so she can let the
organizer know.

We found out this weekend that Brandon Baker passed away unexpectedly.

President's report:

Fundraising: we have 47 T-shirts left

Tara doesn't have an accurate count of the mugs yet and will contact Ken to
find out what to do with unsold mugs.

We are going to look into doing benefit nights again this year.

Places for possible benefit nights: Olive Garden, Ortega's, Fuddruckers,
Chili's, Apple Bees, Cold Stone, Chillz, Frontier, Saggio's, Wex, Flying
Star, Five Guys, Cracker Barrel, etc. If you have suggestions, please let
Tara know.

Website update: Minutes are now available on the "minutes" page. We are in
the process of making it possible for people to order shirts from our web
site. To do this, we are using PayPal so they can place orders and use
debit/credit cards, and we will also make it possible to take donations via
the web site. Amanda is our "customer service" person also known as our
fundraising coordinator.

Activity: We are going ice blocking on September 10, 2010 at 7:30 PM. The
location is Netherwood Park.

Presidential release: Pepsi refresh project: text 101913 to Pepsi (73774)
daily in August. There was a news special on Braille Literacy with an
interview of a student who hadn't learned Braille. The Kindle book reader
and Universities are not making it accessible.

Monica may need to step down as vice president and switch with someone on
the board. If there is no interest in the position, she will remain as VP
until our next election. She will do more behind the scenes activities for

Monica moved, Michael seconded, Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.



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