[Nmabs] Another idea for Student Seminar at State Convention?

NMABS President nmabs.president at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 03:40:50 UTC 2010

Hi all,
Sheryl Fogle sent me the following messages. I have neglected for the
last few meetings to mention this...
Please let me know ASAP so I can let Sheryl know.

Hi Tara,

I hope you are doing well.  I'm wondering if you're still in the
student division.  If so, please ask the board if they would like me
to plan an activity for the membership.  I'm thinking either (1)
arranging a visit to the UNM anthropology museum, or (2) bringing some
artifacts to the student seminar at convention and doing a hands-on
activity as a break from speeches :).  Please let me know what you
guys think.
Take care.
Blow is another message from Sheryl

Thanks. The convention student seminar was my preferred venue.  I can
borrow artifacts from the curator like I did last year for the kid's
science academy.  Then if you wanted, I could taylor my presentation
to use "structured discovery method" and it could be a follow-up after
you guys discuss career or getting training for blindness skills.
That's just off the top of my head.

Have a great day.


Again, please let me know ASAP so we can get something going if you
guys want to have it!

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