[Nmabs] FW: deadline approaching RTP mentorship information

NMABS President nmabs.president at gmail.com
Thu Mar 29 04:39:19 UTC 2012



From: Tara Chavez [mailto:tmatzick06 at hotmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2012 10:37 PM
To: nmabs.president at gmail.com
Subject: FW: deadline approaching RTP mentorship information




From: cheryl fogle [mailto:cfogle at unm.edu] 
Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2012 4:46 PM
To: Tara Chavez
Subject: deadline approaching RTP mentorship information



The deadline for this stipend is Friday March 30.  Can you resend to the
nmabs list as a reminder? Thanks.


-------- Original Message -------- 


RTP mentorship information


Sun, 19 Feb 2012 20:32:03 -0700


cheryl fogle  <mailto:cfogle at unm.edu> <cfogle at unm.edu>


Tara Chavez  <mailto:tmatzick06 at hotmail.com> <tmatzick06 at hotmail.com>


Here's the information about the RTP mentorship program.  A description 
from their website is pasted below and I attached 3 pdfattachments, the 
application, instructions, and the handbook.  The application deadline 
is March 30.  I encourage interested students to contact the program 
directly at the phone and e-mail in these files.
About Reaching the Pinnacle
Reaching the Pinnacle (RTP) is a National Science Foundation (NSF) 
funded program whose major objective is to promote Science, Technology, 
Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) for persons with disabilities. In order to accomplish 
this, RTP has established a number of avenues through which funding may 
be used
to directly impact students' and educators' STEM pursuits.
The flagship activity under RTP is the mentorship program.  Mentors in 
this program are college students with identified disabilities majoring 
in STEM.
The role of a mentor is to participate in projects set up by RTP at 
schools, assist with research projects, provide academic 
support/tutoring in schools,
engage in other activities that RTP designates, or implement individual 
STEM education projects.
RTP also sponsors Summer Science Institutes (RASSI) which are designed 
to pique students' interests in STEM before they enter college.
RTP has educational and professional partners throughout its region (all 
of New Mexico and most of West Texas). Partner projects are funded 
through RTP
and provide support for Partners to participate in STEM activities 
designed to meet their needs.
the quality of life for students with disabilities is not just a slogan; 
it's a mission for RTP and its partners. RTP is striving to increase
the number of persons with disabilitiies in the STEM work force.
RTP is providing the means, support and encouragement for students with 
disabilities to overcome the educational barriers they face in 
considering STEM
RTP is located in the Ed & Harold Foreman Engineering Complex on the 
NMSU campus
Image of Ed and Harold Foreman Engineering complex, the home of RTP
"This material is based upon work supported by the National Science 
Foundation under Continuing Grant No. HRD 0622930."
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