[NNV-Members] NFB Chapter meeting this saturday

Mark Tadder mtadder at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 19 17:00:19 UTC 2017

Good Evening Federation friends and family!

the Norther Nevada National Federation of the Blind will be having our meeting this Saturday 10/21/17, at the
Northern Nevada Center for Independent Living
999 Pyramid Way
Sparks, NV 89431
from 1pm til 3pm.

our agenda will look like this:
1. Introductions 
2. Approval of September minutes 
3. Treasurer’s report
4. Discussion of MTB Event at TMCC
5. Pumpkinpaloosa logestics and staffing
6. Convention related items
7. To list-serve or not to list-serve
8. Holiday  party committee
9. Lyft ride program for distant members
10. Outreach squad enrollment
11. Web accessibility team recruitment (ASWAT)
12. Adjournment

This is October so please bring your $10 for annual dues.. checks or cash are acceptable although we should hopefully have a credit/debit card portal set up soon.

Talk to you all soon!

Mark Tadder
NFB of Northern Nevada

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