[nobe-l] [BANA-Announce] BANA Adopts IPA: Braille

Kim.Charlson at Perkins.org Kim.Charlson at Perkins.org
Wed Mar 17 00:25:52 UTC 2010


February 2010


CONTACT: Judith Dixon, Chairperson

Braille Authority of <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = 
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />North America

PHONE: 1-202-707-0722

E-MAIL: <mailto:jdix at loc.gov>jdix at loc.gov

BANA Adopts IPA: Braille

(International Phonetics Alphabet: Braille)

The Braille Authority of North America (BANA) announces that it has 
adopted IPA Braille as the authorized BANA code for phonetics. This 
is a braille code for the transcription of the International Phonetic 
Alphabet as revised 2005 under the auspices of the International 
Council on English Braille (ICEB). Further information about the 
development and revision of this international code for phonetics may 
be found at the ICEB website at 

Electronic files of this code may be found on the ICEB website as 
well as that of the Braille Authority of North America at 
<http://www.brailleauthority.org/>http://www.brailleauthority.org in 
the Publications link. The following formats are available:

Print Document

-         IPA Braille (PDF [Adobe] file format, 61 pages)

Braille Files (.brf format)

-         IPA Braille - Part 1 (BRF format, 25 lines per page by 40 
cells per line, 116 pages)

-         IPA Braille - Part 2 Introduction (BRF format, 25 lines per 
page by 28 cells per line, 13 pages)

Braille Files (Duxbury.dbx format)

-         IPA Braille - Part 1

-         IPA Braille - Part 2 Introduction

Corel Draw File (cdr tactile graphics format)

-         IPA Braille - Part 2 Tactile (CDR [Corel] format, 28 pages)

PDF File (Adobe .pdf tactile graphics format)

-         IPA Braille - Part 2 Tactile (PDF [Adobe] format, 28 pages)

The mission and purpose of the Braille Authority of North America are 
to assure literacy for tactile readers through the standardization of 
braille and/or tactile graphics. BANA promotes and facilitates the 
use, teaching, and production of braille. It publishes rules, 
interprets and renders opinions pertaining to braille in all existing 
codes. It deals with codes now in existence or to be developed in the 
future, in collaboration with other countries using English braille. 
In exercising its function and authority, BANA considers the effects 
of its decisions on other existing braille codes and formats; the 
ease of production by various methods; and acceptability to readers.

For additional resource information, visit www.brailleauthority.org

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