[nobe-l] BrlChat: celebrating Louis Braille's birthday on Twitter #Reminder
Shaheen, Natalie
NShaheen at nfb.org
Mon Dec 31 19:24:16 UTC 2012
Those of you on the educator listservs are familiar with the weekly reminders I distribute, as requested, regarding the topic for each Thursdays Twitter chat (#BrlChat). This week's topic is applicable to most everyone in the Federation, so I thought I'd distribute information more broadly.
This week's #BrlChat, on the eve of Louis Braille's 204th birthday, is all about Braille! If you know and love Braille, join the conversation Thursday at 9p (eastern)! Parents, teachers, blind people, and anyone else who is a Braille enthusiast is welcome. Let's spread the good news about Braille around the twitterverse. Can we get Braille to trend on Thursday/Friday in honor of Braille's birthday? That would be pretty cool!
If I lost you at "Twitter" or "Twitter chat", in a nut shell, this is a one hour public conversation that occurs on Twitter-similar to a conversation online in a public chat room. If you are interested in learning more about #BrlChat, how to use Twitter (if you are new to the platform), or how to participate in a Twitter chat visit the BrlChat web page<http://withoutaclassroom.wordpress.com/brlchat/> for helpful links. If you would like to participate but need a personal walk through, please be in touch, I'll be happy to help.
Spread the word as far and wide as you wish about BrlChat to recruit folks to join us on twitter to talk about Braille this Thursday. Feel free to drop in to #BrlChat any time. We're on Twitter every Thursday night at 9p (eastern) and everyone is always welcome.
Have a safe and Happy New Year.
Natalie Shaheen
P.S. Don't forget to vote for next week's BrlChat topic<http://withoutaclassroom.wordpress.com/brlchat/?preview=true&preview_id=182&preview_nonce=d6068b65a6>.
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