[nobe-l] New Member

Hyde, David W. (ESC) david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us
Wed Mar 2 14:05:22 UTC 2016

Welcome to the list. To answer your question, this list has a moderate amount of traffic. If you get a half dozen messages a day, I'd be surprised. That will differ from day to day.
You might also subscribe to the IT trainers list. There are a number of folks out there who can help you.
I'm glad to see the center in Anchorage is still running. I can remember when it was new. Hope you can make the national convention in Orlando this summer. I know the IT trainers have a meeting scheduled.

David Hyde, Professional Development Coordinator
Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired
1700 W. State Street
Janesville WI  53546
608-758-6152 (office)
608-758-6169 (fax)
866-284-1107 ext. 34 (toll free)
david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us<mailto:david.hyde at wcbvi.k12.wi.us>

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