[nobe-l] Commuting with Uber & guide dog - daily struggle

Henny Kupferstein henny at hennyk.com
Thu Nov 24 03:16:04 UTC 2016

How do people with guide dogs survive the struggle of getting to work on
time when using Uber? My friend and I get on average 2-3 Uber driver
cancellations per ride-call as soon as they pull up and see the guide dog,
regardless of the law. We are tired of fighting. Nobody is listening
anyway, and we just want to keep our jobs!

Today a driver decided NOT to cancel the ride, but abused us and the guide
dog, who was on duty. We video-recorded it here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zveZGQ5wMM Please help with ideas, and by
sharing. Thank you!

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